Chapter Seventeen:

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Warning: foul language and some violence is in this chapter!!!!

Chapter Seventeen:

They both seemed to glow as they hugged. I examined the girl more closely now that I knew she was a fairy. I could now see the shimmer and sparkle I saw around her every once in a while were her translucent wings shinning. Her ears were pointed and so was her tiny nose. Since she was a light fairy I guess the sun kissed look made sense. I shook my head. That shouldn’t matter right now.

“What is she doing in here?” I asked Maria gesturing towards the fairy.

“I was sent by Mikayla to help you out.” She said untangling herself from Marie.

“I’m going to interrupt you right there.” He said.

“Dude you just let me start talking again and you’re going to cut me off!” I said angrily.

“Only because I want to say that I was right. The fairy is there to help you.” He said looking smug.

“Look I’m telling you the story in the order and way it happened. If you think it’s so damned cliché then you really don’t have to listen and you really don’t have to record it.” I said picking the recorder up and chucking it at him.

He looked shocked but was able to catch the recorder right before it hit his chest. I sat back and smiled feeling good for letting my anger towards the recorder out.

“No need to get so angry Megan.” He said calmly setting the recorder back down.

“Besides you don’t even know how this ends. It could end with her leading us into a trap or sacrificing us all or taking us to her tribe where I have to watch all my friends get eaten or something.” I said crossing my arms.

“Well, see, I know that doesn’t happen because you’re in front of me alive and well, and when you mention your friends you don’t look like you’re mourning their death.” He said.

Smug a-hole.

“Can we trust this fairy?” Derek asked in a whisper.

“Well, she’s the best shot we’ve got and it’s not like she knows who we specifically are. She has no reason to want to cause us harm. It’s not like she’s a pixie.” Maria said shrugging.

I still didn’t completely trust this fairy. It just didn’t make much sense. Why would Mikayla send a random fairy to come and get us? Maybe this fairy was a trap, you know, part of the maze.

“Okay, you’ll show us the way out, right?” Rave asked.

“Yeah, that’s the plan.” She said smiling sweetly.

“Okay, lead the way.” He said smiling happily at her as well.

“This way.” She said happily skipping away.

“She’s not heading towards the man eating plant so that’s a plus.” I muttered.

We followed her and never once hit a trap but that didn’t mean anything. As the sun got to its peak in the sky it started to get really hot and we all started to get really hungry and thirsty. Now, people have been known to last a long arse time without food or water but I’ve never gone without, so it was hard for me. The others seemed to be struggling and the worst of it was Derek.

“You guys, let’s stop for a moment.” Maria said.

We all sat down in the shade given off by the walls even though there was very little left with the sun so high. Whatever shade was left was welcomed and they seemed to reach out for Derek. I felt terrible and I just wanted to be out of this maze already.

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