I Swear I Am Not Crazy. Right? Chapter 2.

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Two days later my brother, Zachariah, didn’t have work so I had to watch my noise level. If I didn’t we would most likely get into a fight and wrestle until one of us ended up crying. Sad as it is the person crying would almost always be me. Not necessarily because I was that hurt but because I felt guilty for fighting in the first place. I mean siblings shouldn’t constantly be in a state of war.

Anyway, I was listening to Live Your Life by Rihanna and some other dude I don’t know the name of. I was dancing getting in some movement instead of sitting like a statue all day. It felt nice even if my music was kind of low for dancing. I was still having fun as long as no one was watching it didn’t matter that I had white dancer syndrome.

“Hey, Megan, could you turn it down? I’m trying to listen to my radio show.” Zack said sticking his head out of the door across the hall from the living room.

“It’s not even at half its volume.” I whined staring at him in disbelief.

“Well I can’t hear my radio show.” He said.

“Then turn it up. I’m not turning my music down more.” I said crossing my arms over my chest in defiance.

He glared at me and then turned his radio show up so much that it drowned out my music. I turned up my music all the way and I still couldn’t hear it so I stomped over to his door and banged really loud. He opened it and looked at me innocently.

“Turn down your radio.” I said.

“Why?” he asked.

“I can’t hear my music over their stupid voices.” I said.

“Well just turn it up then.” He said mimicking me.

“I did. I turned it up all the way.” I said through clenched teeth.

“Oh. Looks like your out of luck.” He said smiling before shutting and locking his door.

I kicked his door as hard as I could and felt tears coming not only from frustration but because kicking the door was a really dumb idea. I hopped over to my computer holding my throbbing foot and glaring at Zack’s door. I was shocked out of my anger by the sound of thunder outside. I jumped and looked outside to see a raging storm.

“Weird that I didn’t notice that. Weirder that I’m talking to myself.” I said rolling my eyes.

I looked at the computer screen and was shocked to see that an hour had gone by and I hadn’t thought it’d been more than a few seconds. Zack’s radio show should be over by now but I still heard his radio playing in his room.

“Zack?” I called from where I sat.

This was creeping me out a little. When he didn’t answer I got up and walked to his door.

“Zack?” I called louder and knocked on his door.

Still no answer. I was starting to worry because with the whole time skip thing anything could’ve happened.

I banged on his door again and there was still no answer.

“ZACK” I yelled as loud as I could fear starting my adrenaline.

“AW SHIT!” I heard him yell from behind the door.

Suddenly there was a really loud bang. It was so loud the house shock with the force of the sound and it drowned out my shriek. I heard movement in his room and another less earth quaking boom and then the door flew open.

“What?” Zack basically yelled.

I stared at him in shock. He was soaking wet from head to toe and looked like he was almost shaking from cold.

“What happened?” I asked.

“My windows were blown open by the wind. I guess I forgot to lock them.” He said pushing past me and heading to the bathroom down the hall.

He never forgot to lock his windows. He was always worried about the people who robbed the abandoned house getting in the house through his window. I peeked in his room to see what it looked like but it seemed the water only reached his bed. Everything else seemed untouched. I was once again filled with confusion.

“Hey! Get outta my room!” he yelled.

I jumped back and smiled sweetly at him.

“Why didn’t you answer me when I called for you the first time?” I asked rocking from heel to toe.

“I was asleep.” He said drying his hair with a towel.

“Oh.” Was all I could think to say.

If he was asleep there was definitely no way he left the windows unlocked.

“And you think you did that as well” he asked.

My lip twitched up in a smile as he let it slip that he didn’t believe me.

“Are you saying you don’t” I asked innocently.

“Well, it really could’ve just been the storm.” He said.

My smile fell.

“He would NEVER leave his windows unlocked. You don’t know Zack. He was very paranoid about his things.” I said leaning forward.

“You’re getting defensive again.” He said calmly.

“A normal reaction for people who are a side show don’t you think?” I asked staring at the recorder with a scowl.

“You’re not a side show Megan.” He said.

I sat back keeping my eyes on the recorder.

“Are you okay to continue?” he asked.

“Of course I am. Don’t insult me by acting like you think I need time to recover from finding out you’re like the rest of the suits.” I said glaring at him.

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