I Swear I Am Not Crazy. Right?

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Chapter One

“Okay so where does this story officially start?” I asked him.

I smiled as his light green eyes filled with worry and confusion. He had no more idea than I did where I should start.

“Why don’t you just start where you think you should.” He said.

“I was born on a rainy afternoon at 6:00. My mom was happy when she found I was a girl because she didn’t want another boy like my brother.” I said leaning back in my chair smirking.

“I think we can skip that.” He said running a hand through his dark brown yet graying hair.

“I guess I’ll start from the point when I realized what I was then. Maybe a few weeks before. That’s when I first started taking notice of the occurrences although I’m sure they happened before.” I said.

“Okay. Start whenever you’re ready.” He said placing a tape recorder down.

I looked at the recorder warily.

“Is the recorder really necessary?” I asked after a moment.

“I’m sorry but I think it is. It will help me prove that the story is true.” He said.

I sighed knowing that there was no way I could convince him to turn the damned thing off. I also knew he was lying. He didn’t think this story was true he wanted to keep me here like the other suits but if I didn’t cooperate the situation would just get worse.

I got up and ready for the day. I expected it to be the same as any day. It was summer so I would most likely go on the computer, watch TV, and do my chores all day. I was sort of an outcast where I lived. I had two friends but the one moved recently and the other had a boyfriend who lived with her sister so she spent a lot of time over there. So I had no life.

I changed into a tank top and jeans and put my mid-back length wavy brown hair into a sloppy ponytail and let only my blue bangs fall out.

“Megan, could you wash all the blankets today?” my mom asked from her room.

“Sure mom.” I called putting my laptop on the living room table.

My idea of multi-tasking was watching TV and going on Facebook all at once.

My mom walked out of her room dressed for work and frowned when she saw me on my laptop. Her light brown eyes filled with sadness and I met her eyes with my dark brown ones.

“Honey, it’s only nine in the morning. You shouldn’t be on your laptop so much.” She said.

“Why not? It’s educational for instance I can look up when Korea stopped being a communist country.” I said smiling.

“I don’t think it has and you don’t really look that stuff up do you?” she asked her frown increasing.

“No she doesn’t. She watches anime and goes on her stupid quiz sites.” My brother called walking up next to my mom.

His ice blue eyes gleamed with happiness.

“Oh, like you don’t do the same thing.” I said glaring at him.

“I don’t go onto the stupid quiz sites.” He said.

“Let’s go. Honey, both your brother and I have work so you’re home alone okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, mom, love you.” I said.

“Love you too sweetheart.” She said and then she left with my brother in tow.

For a moment the world was filled with a blissful quiet. There was no noise as I sat motionless taking in the weird and rare sound that is no sound. Then I got bored and turned on the TV flipped through the channels three times before deciding that the Spanish channel was least stupid because I couldn’t understand it.

I went on my account on a writing site and saw the red 1 new message sign. I smiled and clicked on it but as I read the message my smile faded. This person was informing me that someone was so bored with their life that they were making stories and posts bashing my stories. An over hater as some might call him. I found the person and read journals and stories all about him thinking my stories had too many plot holes and weren’t in the least interesting. I felt anger fill me as I read and soon I just couldn’t read anymore of his rants on my writing.

Unfortunately I care way too much about what other people think and so I reread my stories and I started to see that what he said was true. I felt tears threatening to spill out so I tilted my head back not wanting to show weakness. Suddenly I heard water running in the kitchen. I jumped up and peeked around the corner that connected the living room to the kitchen. When I first looked in I saw the wall with the sink and counters. The sink was running but no one was there.

I slowly walked further so I could see the whole kitchen. Our cluttered four person wood table sat on a wall by itself by the door. The stove and dishwasher shared another wall connected to the sink and the fridge took up the other wall. Since there seemed to be no one in the room I shut off the water but then I heard water running outside. My brow furrowed in confusion as I walked over and opened the door.

“Aw shit!” I said rushing to turn off the hose.

It was getting water everywhere and if it got in the abandoned house next door we could get in trouble with the land lord.

After that I went back inside and since I didn’t hear any more water running I sat back down at my computer. All I could think was that it was weird but not worth mentioning to anyone.

“So you didn’t think that was weird at all?” he asked.

“No. I mean, yeah it was weird but could just be written off as an odd occurrence. I was ignorant then.” I said.

If he wanted to play with me by telling me he was on my side then I would play back by pretending to believe him.

“What actually caused that to occur?” he asked.

“Well, no one but me knows about the occurrence except for you of course.” I said.

“Right, but what do you think caused these occurrences?” he asked me trying to be patient.

“Isn’t it obvious?” I asked smiling amused. “I did”.

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