Chapter Twenty:

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When we got out it had been twenty four hours. It was dark and we were all insanely tired. I was so exhausted that when I first came out all I could do was collapse to the floor without taking in my surroundings.

“Come on Megan all we have to do is make it to the ship and then we can all get some sleep.” Maria said pulling me to my feet.

“That has to be miles away by now though. I mean that maze is huge.” I said turning to look at it.

My mouth hit the floor. The maze was gone. It seemed like we were just in Mikayla’s backyard. Or what was left of it.

“There are a lot of charms and spells on that maze.” Rave said.

“So Mikayla’s a witch.” I said still amazed.

Then it hit me that we were in the town that was bombed almost a day ago. I looked around at the ash and fallen buildings. It seemed like there was still smoke rising off of the town. Nothing was left untouched and seeing something like this first hand made me realize what we were getting into. It made me realize that while details did matter it shouldn’t decide whether or not I should fight. I should still train and do what they tell me because if I didn’t things like this would continue to happen here.

“Things like this can’t continue to happen. We have to work harder and faster.” Maria said.

“There were families here. I wonder if everyone got out in time.” Marie whispered gently touching a piece of wood on the ground.

“There’s no way everyone would get out. That’s wishful thinking.” Rave said his voice hard and his hands balled into fists.

“Let’s get back to the ship and get some sleep. Staying here and being tired won’t help at all. Tomorrow we can come back, hopefully then we can find the dead and give them a proper burial.” Maria said.

We started to walk away and towards our ship when something, well, someone stopped us.

“NO!” Alice screeched.

“So what the fairy wants to come with you or something?” he asked.

“You know so freaking little and yet you continue to assume things. You expect everything to take a normal turn. Real life is not predictable.” I said.

“Oh but it is because everyone’s lives end up in the same place, death.” He said.

“I used to think just like you but the turns that life takes are not predictable and that’s the part in the story that we’re at. Besides don’t you think all the parts between the beginning and end are the most fun to read? That’s the most fun part of our lives too.” I said.

For the first time I really believed that too and it lifted my spirits and made me smile.

“Well, the middle of the story is the hardest to write and it’s also the hardest part in life. All this work to just reach the end and it’s all over.” He said.

“It doesn’t have to seem that way though. You have to look at the good times and have fun. Do exciting things and really live a little. I once saw a quote ‘never regret something that once made you smile’ so make life worth it. We don’t have forever so make the most of it and yeah there are going to be hard times but humans are strong and adaptable creatures and we move on and we work through our problems. There’s no need to dwell on the past.” I said feeling kind of like a motivational speaker.

“So if there’s no need to dwell on the past does that mean you don’t think about your dad?” he asked.

“What?” I asked angrily.

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