Chapter Sixteen:

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Derek grabbed Isaac and Maria ran to Rave. We all had started to run but Maria and Rave started to fall behind and it seemed like they did it on purpose. I heard yelling and roars, and my conscience forced me to look back. Maria and Rave were fighting the thing.  They would run a relatively safe distance away and then focus their energy on fighting the beast. Rave just sent great gusts of wind that would keep the beast at bay while Maria tried tying the beast down with different plants of sorts.

This beast was huge and ran on all fours. It was covered with a coarse tan fur and had very long sharp teeth. Its face seemed squished and flat and its fur covered its eyes and nose. Although, when its fur moved up and down as it ran I saw no signs of a face, which made me wonder if it really had one. Its paws looked more like human hands covered in fur. I wondered what creature this was and hoped I wouldn’t see many of them. I hoped I wouldn’t see any others because this one caused enough trauma to last me the whole trip.

“It was something that was just so weird. I honestly don’t even know if my description does it justice.” I said shaking my head at the memory.

“That does sound quite strange.” He said.

“Yeah, sounds unlike anything anyone has ever described before. Something that couldn’t come from a book or TV show.” I said smirking.

“Point taken but you do have an active imagination.” He said.

“You keep switching tactics. That’ not fair.” I said.

“It’s a combination of things and that’s why I keep switching tactics.” He said.

“You keep switching tactics because you can’t keep with one because these aren’t delusions its real life and you’re struggling to disprove the situations.” I said confidently.

I tried to think of a way out of this, a fast way to lose the beast but I was never very good under pressure and hearing the demented growls was a heck of a lot of pressure. I suddenly heard a painfully roar come from the monster and glanced behind me to see that Isaac had caught it on fire. He actually seemed surprised that it had worked and he also seemed like he was about to collapse again. Unfortunately now the beast was thrashing around slamming himself against walls with enough force to shake them. When I saw debris start to fall is when I knew we should all start to worry.

“You guys we gotta get out of here!” I yelled to Isaac, Maria, and Rave.

They all looked kind of shocked but ran towards me anyway. Derek met Isaac halfway and just as we all were together again the walls started to collapse and it was a race against time to get to the end of the wall or make a turn so that we wouldn’t get squished under the avalanche of brick. The sound of brick hitting the ground made me cringe but it also kept me moving forward. I could just imagine the hard gray bricks breaking as they fell against one another piling into a hill big enough to probably even kill the monster that had been chasing us. I started to see the bricks fall around us more reason for me to think we wouldn’t make it.

We reached a turn just in time and we all collapsed while those walls finished crumbling to the ground. We needed to take our time to catch our breath and think things through at least a little. Marie was looking Isaac over while Maria and Derek talked. Rave sat quietly nearby. I sat down and lifted my hair off my neck and leaned against the wall.

“How are we going to get out of here?” I whispered thinking there was no way we would ever escape this maze.

Marie came over to us leaving Isaac for a moment.

“Rave since your injuries aren’t to the extent of Isaac’s and won’t take as long would you mind if I cleaned you up first?” Marie asked.

She only took a second since Rave only had three claw marks on his back and a cut down his arm extending from his shoulder to the middle of his upper arm. Other than that were some scratches and bruises but no blood so no use for bandages.

“Mikayla would never put something like that in here without telling us first. She would’ve at least told us something quickly before she left. She would’ve tipped us off somehow.” Rave said.

“Do you think that the deviants did find the maze and sent that beast in after us?” Derek asked.

“That doesn’t fit in with why they bombed the town though.” Rave said shaking his head.

“Rave, their bad guys. They do terrible things without reasons.” Maria said gently.

I stood up and walked over to Marie and Isaac, who was no longer covered with blood so you could actually see where he had wounds. A long cut on his left leg reaching from his knee to his ankle, a gash on his forehead, a couple of claw marks across his chest, and Marie had his left arm wrapped up.

“How do you feel?” I asked kneeling down next to him.

“I have a broken arm and lost a lot of blood how do you think I feel?” he asked.

“These things happen, that’s why I always bring my first aid kit.” Marie said showing me a tiny box.

I looked at it confused. How could anything fit into such a tiny space?

“It works just like the ship, it’s much bigger inside.” She said seeing my confusion.

Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something peeking around the corner of the wall in the direction we would be heading. I looked towards the thing but found nothing so I frowned in confusion and suspicion. I really didn’t want any more surprises. I stood up while the others weren’t paying attention and went over to where I saw the thing. The reason I did that is because I am stupid. I didn’t think about it possibly being something dangerous that could kill me and now I wouldn’t have my friends to help me. Standing there taking deep breaths with their eyes closed tightly was a little girl.

“Hello?” I said confused.

She nearly jumped out of her skin and her shriek definitely alerted the others to what was going on. She looked at me with beautiful big innocent blue eyes filled with fear. Her blonde hair shined gold and fell loose to her waist. Her skin was tan and for some reason I caught a glimpse of a shimmer around her every now and then.

“A light fairy.” I heard Marie’s soft voice say just as she enveloped the girl in a hug.

“Really?” he asked in a bored voice.

“What?” I asked confused.

“A fairy just happens to appear there to help you out?” he asked.

“Oh, there is so much you don’t know.” I said smiling.

“Like what?” he asked.

“Like the fact that just because fairies aren’t mischief makers like pixies that doesn’t mean they aren’t cunning or selfish or damn near barbaric. You know they sacrifice one of their kind every full moon to their God.” I said thinking back to things I learned.

“So what? This fairy is probably still there to help you and it isn’t night time so she isn’t sacrificing anyone. It’s still cliché.” He said.

“So you’ve read a book where a light fairy saved a couple of people who are trying to save the world from a maze filled with things trying to kill them?” I asked.

“Something along those lines yes.” He said.

I rolled my eyes and scowled. He was so in denial and so infuriating.


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