Chapter Eight:

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A/N: Hey guys since I haven't been getting many comments or feedback I've decided I will post the next chapte only after I get two comments. I don't think that's too much. Kk I will shut up and let you read now.


When I woke up the next day it was around noon. It was to be expected since we stayed up until like 5 in the morning. I grabbed a silver loose tank top and a pair of jean capris and stepped out on the balcony. I loved the way the wind whipped my hair back and brought the smell of the salty water towards me. I could hear the waves from here and their melody brought a smile to my face.

When I finally felt awake I walked back inside the house and bounded down the stairs to the kitchen. Riley was already there making coffee.

“Hey, you want coffee too?” she asked sleepily.

“Ew, coffee tastes like chalk.” I said making a face at the machine.

“Your loss.” She said shrugging.

I grabbed some bread and made myself some toast. Not the greatest breakfast but I didn’t feel like working towards something better. I’m lazy in the morning.

“Oh, we’re going to that bon fire tonight, right?” Riley asked as she poured some coffee into a cup.

“Sure.” I said shrugging.

I watched the steam curl up from her cup and smiled remembering how special I felt last night. It was probably a fluke but it made me happy either way.

 I went to my room and laid down on my stomach on the floor. I opened my laptop and was happy to see that the beach house did have wireless internet as promised. I typed in the site that I used for watching anime and watched as it slowly loaded. I got bored with that quite easily so I arched my back in a stretch. I felt the ends of my wavy dark brown hair tickle the small exposed part of my back that was only exposed because my shirt shifted when I laid down. I smiled at the tickled feeling but then laid back down normally and pulled my shirt back down.

I turned on one of my current obsessions and got so enthralled in the episode I almost didn’t notice when Riley came in and laid down next to me. I had gotten her hooked on anime as well and although I was quite certain I didn’t show her this one yet she seemed content with watching it even if she hadn’t seen the beginning.

She laid her head on my shoulder and smiled at me. I paused the video and smiled at her.

“What do you want?” I asked knowing that particular smile.

“Do you wanna give our swim suits a purpose?” she asked happily.

“Well…” I looked from her to my computer screen. “After this episode okay?” I asked.

“Sounds coolio.” She said happily.

She got up and left the room all in one graceful move. I turned back to my screen and played the rest of the video. I hoped it would distract me from thoughts of water at least for a little while. Anime normally was the perfect distraction. My distraction was short lived because the episode flew by. I sighed and got up stretching before going to get my bathing suit.

“Why would you want to forget about water if it made you feel so special?” he said.

“If you could control an element wouldn’t that power scare the ever living shit outta you?” I asked.

“Um…I wouldn’t know but I would think I would actually be quite happy with my new found power. I would be trying to control it all the time in a kind of training way.” He said.

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