Chapter 51

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"Have you guys had any luck in picking out your tuxes yet?" A soft smile crossed my lips as I felt Sasuke's hand on the small of my back as we sat with the others during lunch. Still, after everything, little touches like this seem to get my heart racing.

"Yeah. Though it would have went a lot faster in Sasuke didn't drag me from store to store looking for a-" Naruto was swiftly cut off by Sasuke elbowing him in the side. He let out a little grimace and shot an angry look at Sasuke who had an equally threatening fire behind his eyes.

"You guys went tux shopping? What the hell. Why didn't you invite me?" Kiba quipped, mouth half full of his sandwich, successfully diffusing the situation. I wondering what Sasuke was looking for?

"It's not our fault you don't have a date." Sasuke responded before Naruto had a chance to speak. Kiba's brown eyes narrowed slightly on him as his brows furrowed together.

"You know damn well that Sakura and I are going as friends..." He paused, taking another bite of his sandwich. "Besides, if it wasn't for you I'd have a date." He muttered, barely audible, not wanting to pick a fight knowing there was no winning it.

"Do you have to be so mean?" I whispered to Sasuke, truly feeling bad about this whole ordeal with Kiba.

"Consider it payback..." Sasuke retorted rather quickly. I didn't quite understand the hostility myself but apparently there is more to this whole quarrel than I understand... Boys will be boys I guess.

"You guys should have had Skylar go with you. He's a total ass but he knows what is in style." Ino chimed in. Apparently he made a good impression on her despite the circumstances.

"Knowing him, he would have enjoyed that a little too much..." I shook my head slightly. He was in a rush to get us in and out of the department store but I'm sure he would take his sweet time picking out clothes for the guys.

"Yeah. Though, he could have really come in handy with Lee last year. Huh Sakura?" Ino let out a little giggle as Sakura let out a slight sigh and hung her head at the memory. She agreed last year to attend Lee's senior prom with him after he asked her to be his date, rather dramatically may I add, in front of the whole school yard.

"I don't know what back alley shop he managed to find a green faux tux... All in all it was fun but his outfit could have used some work." She admitted. Ever since Sasuke made it clear there was no future with him she's been giving Lee a shot. Their relationship - for a lack of a better word - has been rocky but steady to say the least. Lee idolizes the ground she walks on so it was nice to see her throw him a bone.

"Oh, before I forget... My mom wants us all to get ready at my place beforehand so she can take photos..." Sasuke sounded so enthralled. I gave him a slightly worried side glance. If we're getting ready at his place then that means his father is going to be there as well... I wish he'd just approve of our relationship already... I could feel his hand start to rub at my back as a sort of reassurance as everyone else agreed with the plan and talked more about the event to come. Prom was less than two weeks away and we were definitely getting anxious about the whole thing.

"I'll pick you up at eight, ok?" I nodded as I leaned over the console to give Sasuke's lips a little peck before I said my goodbyes and got out of the car to head into work. He's still against me working here but is less vocal about it. Though, I guess he does make some valid points... I don't know how much longer I'll be working here. Sasuke will be moving on to college once we graduate and I'm still undecided on the factor. I don't really have the money to go to school so working and making a living seems like the more optimal solution for me. Though, am I supposed to just put my life on halt and follow after Sasuke? Konoha University is over an hour and a half away and I'm sure Sasuke is planning on moving closer to campus... Life is just happening so fast. It's hard to keep up at times.

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