Chapter 6

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Kiba, Naruto, Lee and I hung out until the warning bell.

"Bye. See you at lunch!" I smiled at Kiba.

"Or sooner if I need to rescue you again." He sounded hopeful. I just laughed.

"See you guys." Naruto and I made our way to class.

"Kiba sure seemed to take a liking to you." Naruto grins as we walk down the hall. I blushed.

"He's a pretty nice guy. And he's funny too."

"Sounds to me like you like him." Naruto laughed as we entered the classroom. I felt my face flush.

"I-I like him as much as I like you." I tried to make the point that we were just friends.

"Yeah? Then why don't I have your number? I can call you and sing you sweet lullabies!" Naruto says, toying with me, as we took our seats. Sasuke was already there.

"You never asked, nor did you give me yours. Kiba did. It's not my fault if he's more interested in being my friend then you are." I pouted.

"He's interested in more than that." Sasuke murmurs, still mad. I didn't quite hear him. Before I could ask what he said Naruto interrupted me.

"Fine. Here." Naruto handed me a piece of paper with his number on it. I smiled.

"You still gonna call and sing to me?" I laughed, messing with him. He gave me a thumbs up.

"Believe it!" I couldn't help but laugh. Our conversation got cut short by the bell, starting class. Kakashi started his lecture, reading occasionally from the book. I could feel myself starting to nod off. I guess I stayed up later than I thought. I felt Sasuke nudge me to keep me awake.

"Didn't you get enough sleep?" He whispers as I start to come to.

"I stayed up too late, talking to Kiba." I groaned, trying to stay awake. He didn't seem to like my answer. I tried my hardest to stay awake. It would help if this lecture wasn't so boring... The bell rang after, what seemed like, forever. I stretched and yawned in my seat.

"Come on, before we're late." He didn't need to wait for me. I got up from my seat and followed him out of the room. The hall was full of whispers about me wearing his shirt. Some of the things that I was hearing were nasty. If I knew this was going to happen I wouldn't have worn the damn thing.

When Sasuke and I entered the classroom Saskura and Ino were waiting by the door. I guess they heard the rumors. They let Sasuke pass but stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Who do you think you are, wearing that?" Sakura's voice was fierce. I took a step back.

"He lent me his since I spilt juice on mine..." I looked towards the ground, uncomfortable.

"And you just happened to get a ride from him this morning too?" Ino jumps into the conversation. I just nodded my head. "Please, we heard you threw yourself at him, servicing him in his car. And that's how you messed up your shirt and managed to get a ride with him." Her words hit me like daggers.

"T-That's not true." I shook my head still looking at the ground.

"Who knew the only way Sasuke would acknowledge anyone was if they put out." Ino says. I had to choke back tears. Girls are so cruel.

"Poor Sasuke just got tricked by this slu-" Sakura starts but gets interrupted.

"Leave her alone." Sasuke's voice was deadly.

"S-Sasuke...?" They seemed shocked that he was defending me. Like two deer’s caught in a head light.

"Come on, Naomi." Sasuke lead me past them and to my seat. I just kept my gaze to the ground, trying to hold back the tears. Class started, we were watching another video, this one about deadly gasses and the elements that create them. I was starting to believe this whole class would consist of movies. During the film I felt little pieces of paper hitting me. I couldn't take it anymore...

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