Chapter 32

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I stared up at the ceiling as the morning began to dawn. I could barely sleep last night with all that was on my mind. Today's the day I'll be moving out of the Uchiha's home... I packed up all of my belongings last night and the furnishings that Sasuke and I ordered should be delivered later today. A sigh left my lips as I pulled more of the comforter over myself. From now on I'll be waking up to an empty home...

"Happy birthday." I glanced towards the door at the sudden voice. Sasuke was leaning against the doorway with a small smirk gracing his lips. A soft smile crossed my lips as I sat up, holding the blanket against my chest.

"Thank you." His smirk widened as he stood up from the door frame, his obsidian eyes never leaving me. If it wasn't for his father's bedroom rule I bet he'd be right here beside me. But I guess today's the last day we'll have to worry or deal with that.

"Get dressed and come downstairs. We have a lot to do today."

"Alright." I gave him a short nod as he left, closing the door behind him. A soft sigh left my lips as my feet met with the cold floor. I walked over to the dresser where I left a set of clothes out for me to change into. A small frown crossed my lips as I finished getting dressed. I took a final glance around the space I've grown accustom to before making my way to the door. Gripping onto the cold metal it dawned on me how much I'm going to miss this room... Pushing all negative thoughts from my head I turned the knob and walked into the hallway. There's no turning back. My hand traced down the rail of the stairs, trying to memorize each detail, as I took each step. A wonderful aroma filled my senses as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Not seeing Sasuke in the living room, I made my way towards the kitchen.

"There's the birthday girl!" My eyes widened, slightly, in surprise as Mikoto dropped what she was doing to come over and engulf me in a hug. "Happy birthday, sweetie." A slight blush crossed my face as I noticed Sasuke watching us with a smirk on his features.

"T-Thank you." She gave me a sweet smile as she pulled away.

"Go sit at the table. Sasuke helped me make you a birthday breakfast." I could feel my cheeks get warmer as I glanced towards Sasuke, who was now gathering plates.

"Come on." Sasuke's smirk widened as he ushered me out of the kitchen and into the dining room.

"You didn't have to go to all of this trouble..."

"This is what my mom always does when it's one of our birthdays." Sasuke replied as he set the dishes on the table. "So just sit down..." He pulled out a chair for me, forcing me to sit. "And enjoy it." His breath wafted against my skin as he whispered the last part before placing a soft kiss against my neck. That action alone sent a shiver down my spine which I'm pretty sure he noticed, if his lips shifting against my skin was any indication. Though, the moment was short lived as Fugaku walked into the dining room giving us the same distasteful look as Sasuke pulled away and rest his hands on my shoulders. His gaze lingered on us for a moment before he let out a little 'hmph' and took his seat at the table.

"Do you have your things all packed?" I could feel Sasuke's grip on my shoulders tighten, slightly, as his father opened his morning paper so he wouldn't have to spare us another glance. I reached up, placing my hand on top of Sasuke's in order to calm him down.

"Yeah. I finished packing last night."

"Good." The sound of paper crinkling filled the tense atmosphere as he turned the page of his paper. Not a second later Mikoto came into the room with a plate full of delicious food. She smiled upon seeing her husband at the table while setting the food in the middle of it.

"Sasuke, can you grab the condiments for me?" He gave her a short nod before heading into the kitchen to get what she asked for. "Dig in." Mikoto smiled as Sasuke came and set the condiments on the table before taking his seat, thus starting this perfectly tense breakfast. At least the food is good.

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