Chapter 15

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I slowly opened my eyes as I began to wake. The first thing I saw was Sasuke sleeping peacefully. He was still holding onto me with his left arm under my shoulder and his right hand laying on my hip. I blushed. I guess at some point last night I got turned around so I was facing him, cuddled to his chest.

I felt my cheeks get warmer as I studied his face. He looks so comfortable like he hasn't a care in the world. His hair framed his face and his lips are slightly parted. I couldn't help but stare at his succulent lips.

My body started moving on its own and, before I knew it, I was leaning closer and closer in to the point where I could almost feel his lips brushing mine.

All of a sudden something started hitting Sasuke's tent. I jumped and pulled away at the sound. My abrupt movement must have woke Sasuke up. I felt my face flush when his dark eyes met with mine.

"Hey, Sasuke! Wake up! Mimi's missing!" Naruto yells while hitting the tent again. Thank god it zipped from the inside. Sasuke put his finger to his lips to signal me to be quiet.

"I'll be out in a second!" He responded. He let out a soft sigh as he sat up. "I'm going to lead them out of camp, when I do, sneak over to your tent and get dressed. Then wait by the fire until we get back." Sasuke whispered to me. I nodded as he got up and left the tent.

"We can't find Mimi anywhere." I hear Naruto say worried.

"What if that serial killer got her!?" Lee cries

"You idiot, that was just a story!" Sasuke let out and irritated sigh.

"Will you two stop bickering? Let's go look for her. Sakura, Ino, Hinata. You three come with me and we'll check by the water-" Ino and Sakura squealed for joy at the fact that they get to go with Sasuke. But that's probably the only reason they're agreeing to look for me... "Shikamaru, Kiba, Lee, Naruto. You four go check the trails. We'll meet back here in ten minutes if we find nothing." I heard the sounds of footsteps leaving camp.

I waited a couple of minutes until it was dead silent and, when I knew no one was around, I quietly left the tent and limped over to mine. My leg still hurts like hell.

I quickly changed into my clothes and hid Sasuke's at the bottom of my suitcase. I then hobbled out of my tent and took a seat by the fire waiting for everyone.

"Naomi, where were you?" Kiba questions as his group comes out of the woods. At the same time I noticed Sasuke's group coming up from the water. Sasuke has an irritated look on his face.

"I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. Then I decided to go exploring. I just thought you all were still asleep." I lied as I gave him a small smile.

"You scared us! We thought you got killed!" Lee exaggerated.

"You're the only one who thought that..." Shikamaru says. I let out a small laugh.

"What happened to your leg?" Kiba asks taking notice to the bloody bandages.

"O-Oh... I tripped on a trail and landed on a rock." I reached down and touched it. It stung.

"Are you alright?" Kiba asks concerned. I gave him a small reassuring smile.

"Yeah. I can still put some weight on it."

Everyone started sitting around the fire. We figured we'd make breakfast before we start packing up. Sasuke came over and stood in front of me holding the first aid kit.

"You should change your bandages now." I blushed as I looked up at him.

"A-Alright." I held out m had so he'd give me the kit. But instead of giving it to me he knelt down and started doing it for me. He ignored the fact that everyone was staring at us. My face flushed at his touch. He tried to be as gentle as he could. I just kept staring at him. I'm too afraid to look up at the stares/glares we're getting.

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