Chapter 17

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"Ok! Today we are going to play tennis! Everyone grab a partner!" Gai yells. Sasuke stood by me clamming me as his partner. He's still upset about that whole kiss incident this morning... But at least he's holding it well. "Alright now find another pair to play against and grab a racket and ball!" Sasuke and I paired up with Hinata and Naruto and made our way to the tennis courts. Sasuke and I have the ball first so Sasuke served it, lobbing it to the other side of the net.

"Got it!" Naruto yells swinging his racket at the ball. It made impact and sent it flying back over to our side.

"It's mine!" Sasuke yells so I back off as he goes for the ball. The ball nicked the net before going over. Hinata was closer to it so she claimed it and hit the ball back. As I was getting ready to swing someone started yelling.

"Watch out!" I caught on a little too late and a random ball came flying and blasted me on the side of my face. My hand immediately shot up and covered where the ball made impact. Gai started blowing his whistle immediately.

"Sasuke! Take her to get an ice pack!" Sasuke nodded and took my free hand leading me to the nurse. As soon as we entered the school Sasuke stopped me. The halls were completely empty.

"Let me see how bad it is." I blushed as I removed my hand from my face. Sasuke frowned at the bright red mark. "Does it hurt?"

"S-Sort of... It hurts when I touch it other than that it just feels really warm..." Sasuke reached up and brushed his hand against my cheek. I winced at his touch since it stung. My face flushed as he leaned in and placed a delicate kiss on my cheek. He pulled away slightly but his face still was lingering dangerously close to mine.

My hear began to race. The closer he got to me the more I could smell his cologne. Ever since I told him I liked it he's been wearing it more and more. After a long silence he finally spoke up.

"... I don't want you letting that dog this close to you anymore." His hot breath brushed against my lips.

"W-What...?" He took me by surprise. I took a step back nervously. Sasuke just kept approaching me until my back hit the wall. He placed his hand next to my head against the hard concrete.

"You still don't get it, do you?" His onyx eyes look so serious. I just looked at him, completely lost, not knowing what to say or do. Sasuke leaned closer and closer into me. I shut my eyes tight and flinched as his lips brushed mine.

Sasuke let out a soft sigh and pulled away. I opened my eyes, cautiously, to see him standing away from me looking to the side.


"Come on. Let's go get you that ice pack." Sasuke seemed a little upset as he began walking towards the nurses office. I reached my hand up to my chest to calm my beating heart and took a deep breath before turning to follow him. What's with him today...?

"Thank you." I thanked the nurse as she gave me an ice pack. "Ah~" I let out a happy sigh as I put it against my cheek. It felt so good. Sasuke smirked as we started heading back towards class. As we were walking along I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I used my free hand to pull it out and look at it. Sasuke stopped when he noticed me take it out.

"Who is it?" He questions as I unlock the screen.

"... Itachi." Sasuke watched me curiously as I opened the message.

"The judge came to a verdict. He ruled in our favor. You never have to go back to that woman again." Tears started to swell and run down my face. I could feel my hands start to shake.

"What did he say?" Sasuke asks, placing his hand on my shoulders to try and calm me down.

"W-We won the case... I-I get to s-stay with you!" I smiled and cried in happiness. Sasuke pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms firmly around me. I, in turn, wrapped my arms around his chest in order to pull myself closer. Being in his arms like this just makes everything better.

Is It Bad To Want Something More? [Modern Sasuke story]Where stories live. Discover now