Chapter 41

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" A soft smile crossed my lips as Sasuke wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder, as I continued trying to get ready.

"Yes, I'm sure." My eyes met with his in the mirror, making my smile widen a fraction.

"We could go out to the movies or do something else instead..." A slight flush crossed my flesh as Sasuke nuzzled my neck, leaving a kiss behind, as he tried to persuade me otherwise.

"Sasuke, I'm going to work. If you don't want to take me I can call Itachi or someone else to take me for my first day." A scowl marred Sasuke's features as I watched us in the mirror.

"I'll take you." Sasuke grumbled, not too pleased.

"Thank you. Now get out so I can finish getting ready." Sasuke's scowl returned as I pried his hands from my waist and condemned him to the living room to wait. He's still not too happy with me taking this job. Though, at least now he's not as vocal about it. He just has his little passive aggressive moments.

Returning to the bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and hair before applying a dab of eyeliner to my lower lashes. I pretty much kept it simple since I wasn't familiar with the dress code yet. Deeming myself ready, I made my way to the living room. A smile spread on my face as I caught sight of Sasuke sitting on the couch, an irritated look on his features, as he flipped through the channels on the tv while eating a piece of toast spread with the tomato pesto I made for him. His dark eyes glanced over at me as he noticed me enter the room.

"You look nice." Sasuke commented, popping the last bite of food i his mouth, as I sat on the couch next to him.

"Thank you." A slight smirk crossed Sasuke's lips as he placed his arm over my shoulders in order to bring me closer to him. My smile widened as I felt Sasuke's fingers brushing against my neck as he moved my hair out of the way so he could nuzzle my flesh.

"You smell nice too." Sasuke breathed against my next, amusement evident in his voice. A shiver went throughout my body as Sasuke's tongue trailed up my neck before he gently bit and sucked on the expanse of skin behind my ear. "And you taste good." Sasuke purred into my ear causing a slight blush to spread over my features.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Turning my head to face him, my gaze fell down to his lips only a short distance from mine. The smirk decorating his lips widened as he merely hn'd before capturing my lips with his. A groan emanated from my throat as Sasuke's tongue pushed into my mouth. A hint of tomato danced across my taste buds as his tongue battles with mine. I inhaled sharply through my nose, not daring to break off the kiss, as Sasuke gripped my hips to pull me into a straddling position. My arms immediately went around his neck to gain some leverage as I squeezed my thighs against the outside of his.

My skin tingled as I felt his hands slide down my hips, the heat of Sasuke's touch seeping through my clothing. Breaking off the kiss, a gasp left my lips as Sasuke's hands gripped my ass tightly and pulled down so I would be further situated on his lap. A moan broke through his lips at the action before they attached to my neck. A slight whimper left my lips as Sasuke's trail of kissed led down to my collar bone before he gave it a light bite. My eyes opened at the sensation while landing on the clock.

"Sasuke..." His name rolled off my tongue in a breathy whisper causing him to hum against my flesh. "Stop. I'm going to be late for work..." All his movements ceased as he pulled back in order to look me in the eyes.

"Seriously?" Sasuke exasperated with a sigh.

"I'm sorry." I leaned in, pecking his lips softly. Sasuke let out a groan in response, irritation and disappointment evident on his features.

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