Chapter 31

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"So you two are going apartment hunting after school again?" Naruto asked, munching away on his lunch.

"Yeah, the deadline for me having to leave is only a couple of weeks away and I've yet to find a decent place... That, or one Sasuke approves of." I let out a soft sigh.


"If it wasn't for your mother calling mine to see if her and Naomi wanted to go shopping we wouldn't be in this mess." Sasuke growled while Naruto held up his hands up in a defensive position.

"How's that my fault? It's not my job to keep her under wraps. If anything, it's your fault for sleeping in her bed..." Naruto jumped, slightly, at the fierce glare Sasuke was sending him. It even sent a chill down my spine.... Plus, technically speaking, under Naruto's logic I would actually be the one at fault since I was the one to ask Sasuke if he wanted to stay in my room with me...

"Hey, Naomi, doesn't that mean your birthday is coming up?" Kiba pipes in, totally ignoring Sasuke and Naruto's squabble.

"My birthday...? Oh, that's right... My birthday is the eighteenth." It's still a little weird knowing the exact day I was born after all this time of not knowing.

"What are you planning on doing to celebrate?" I gave him a questioning look. "You know, are you going to throw a party?"

"N-No. I'm probably going to be too busy with the move. Besides, up until a few months ago, I didn't even know that's my birthday. It was always just like any other day." I shrugged, trying to play it off, as Kiba gave me a sad look. "It's fine though. How can I miss something I never had?" I gave him a small smile.

"Well, you'll definitely have to do something next year. Right, Kiba?" Naruto nudged him in the side and gave him a small wink. I gave them a curious look as Sasuke let out a sigh and shook his head.

"Yeah, you always have next year." Kiba grinned as the bell, ending lunch, went off. "Well, that's the bell! Time to head to class." Kiba sprung up from his seat as if we were in a hurry.

"No shit?" Kiba gave Sasuke a slight glare as he just gave him a blank look. Naruto let out a small chuckle as Sasuke and I got up and collected our things.

"Good luck with apartment hunting!" I gave Naruto a small smile and a thanks as we all separated to go to our last class of the day.

"I don't like it." Sasuke glanced around the apartment with distaste. The woman showing us the place didn't seem too happy with his statement.

"What don't you like about it?" His gaze shifted to me, giving me a look like he was questioning my sanity.

"First off, it's too small. Second, the color scheme is atrocious and the carpet is long past it's years."

"I have a couple other places that you may like."

"Are they as bad as this place?" The woman jumped, slightly, as Sasuke turned his gaze on her. A sigh escaped my lips as Sasuke continued to argue with the lady. She probably thought that finding a place for a couple of teenagers was going to be easy. Granted, it may have been if the teenager she was dealing with wasn't an Uchiha. My phone stated to ring as they continued to bicker over what Sasuke believes to be an acceptable place. He gave me a curious glance as I excused myself so I could take the call without them being heard in the background.


"You find a place to stay yet?" I let out another sigh, relishing the outside air.

"No, not yet. Sasuke seems to have some sort of problem with every place we've looked at." A low chuckle came from Itachi.

"Well, this friend of mine is renting out his condo if you're interested."

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