Chapter 29

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"You two are going to be at Naruto's the whole time, right?" Mikoto asked as she was trying to put on her earrings. Her and Fugaku were going to some charity gala with Naruto's parents, leaving Naruto's house vacant for him to throw a New Year’s eve party.

"For the tenth time, yes mom." Sasuke groaned out of annoyance.

"I don't want a repeat of last year." Mikoto warned as Fugaku came up to her so she could straighten out his tie. "Kushina is telling Naruto the same thing."

"Yeah, yeah." Sasuke sighed as I gave him a curious look. "It was that dobe's fault, anyway." He muttered.

"Regardless of whose fault it was-" Sasuke flinched, not expecting her to hear what he said. "I don't need to get a call from the police this evening. Understood?" Sasuke let out a heavy sigh.

"Yeah..." Mikoto smiled as she leaned in and pressed a kiss to Sasuke's forehead causing a tint to come to his pale cheeks.

"Good. You two have fun and stay out of trouble. We should be home by one."

"Drive safe." Mikoto smiled at my comment as Fugaku held open the door for her. It was a rather sweet gesture. As soon as they left I turned towards Sasuke giving him a questioning look. He rose an eyebrow in response. "What happened last year?"

"Nothing really... Naruto, being the idiot he is, just managed to set a field on fire. I told him it wasn't a good place to set off fireworks." Sasuke shrugged. "Of course, he didn't listen. I got grounded for a month because of him..." Sasuke's eyes narrowed slightly remembering the event. "The stupid cop just overreacted. It wasn't even that big of an fire." Sasuke huffed. "I think he was just pissed he had to work on New Year’s eve and took it out on us." I let out a little laugh as Sasuke continued to rant, though, hearing my laughter brought him out of it. "Anyway, you ready to go?" I looked over at the clock on the wall noting that it was almost nine.

"Yeah." I gave Sasuke a small smile which he returned with a smirk as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I could feel my cheeks heat slightly as he pulled away. I still feel butterflies every time he kisses me.

We got to Naruto's place in no time. His house was fully lit and still had Christmas lights adorning it. Lite music could be heard as Sasuke and I walked to the front door. Once again, Sasuke didn't bother knocking and walked right in. Naruto smiled as soon as he noticed us walk into the living room. There were actually a couple of people here that I didn't recognize.

"Hey Sasuke, Mimi! Took you long enough!" Naruto let out a laugh as he slung his arm around Sasuke's neck causing a growl to come from him.

"Yeah, well, that's your fault. Because of you I had to sit through a lecture from my mom." Naruto let out a little nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his neck when he let Sasuke out of his grip.

"You too, huh? My mom ripped me a new one..." Naruto shivered at the thought. "She even confiscated my stash of fireworks." He pouted causing Sasuke to smirk.

"Good." Naruto gave Sasuke an irritated look.

"Anyway, Mimi I want to introduce you to some people!" Naruto's grin returned as he turned his attention toward me. Sasuke let out a little scoff as Naruto grabbed onto my arm and began dragging me towards the people I didn't know. The first being a bigger guy, with longer brown hair, sitting next to a bored Shikamaru as he was eating chips. Shikamaru gave us a short nod acknowledging our presence as we approached them.

"Choji, I'd like to introduce you to Mimi!"

"Actually, it's Naomi. Nice to meet you." I gave him a small smile as he looked at me.

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