Chapter 3

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*Beep-* I pressed the alarm quickly. To be honest, I was actually really looking forward to school today. It was a pleasant feeling. I went into the bathroom and got ready for the day. I was too lazy to manage my hair so I just put it up in a ponytail. That's always a fast and easy way to deal with unmanageable hair. I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. Mother didn't bother to pack me a lunch today. Which was sort of good since I didn't want to get stuck with another pill in front of everyone. I grabbed onto a protein shake and bottled water. I was hoping that if I drink the protein shake before P.E. it's help me get through the activities without passing out. I figured it was worth a shot. I looked towards the clock, 5:50. Time to start walking...

I got to school a little later than I did yesterday, mainly because I took a wrong turn. I rushed to my locker and then to class. I only had five minutes to spare. When I entered the classroom everyone was already in their seats. I was surprised to see Naruto and Sasuke sitting in the back with a seat in between them. Naruto waved me in signaling to the seat like I wouldn't see it without his help. Sasuke just held that same emotionless stare.

"What took you so long, Mimi?" Naruto asks as I took my seat.

"I took a wrong turn on my way here."

"That sucks. Oh! I almost forgot!" He yells, turning to his bag. He started rummaging through it. "Kiba asked me to give this to you." He handed me a folded piece of paper. I noticed Sasuke glance over to me. Him and Naruto watched over me, curiously, as I read the note.

'Hey, I missed you this morning. I wanted to ask if you had a cell? If so, you can text/call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx anytime. Especially if you get tired of being around Sasuke all day and want someone friendly to talk to. -Kiba.' A little winky face ended the note. I felt my face flush. Naruto started laughing and Sasuke actually looked like he was irritated.

"Let me read it! Is it a love note?!" Naruto seemed to be rather amused by this. He tried taking the note from me but I quickly put it away.

"N-No. He was just telling me something he forgot to yesterday." I say, trying to make him drop it but he was quite persistent. Even the bell ringing didn't stop him.

"Naruto, knock it off. Unless you want me to move you." Kakashi warns. I guess we were interrupting class. I didn't even realize it started.

"No sir." Naruto faces the front of the class, bummed.

"Alright, let's start off by reading through to chapter three. And when you get to that point I have a worksheet for you." Kakashi said and let the class get to work. I started reading through the assigned text. It was pretty basic and the chapters were short enough to finish fast. Sasuke and I were actually the first ones to finish. Kakashi handed us our worksheets and I got through a third of it before Naruto was done with the reading. I guess, once he got his worksheet, he expected us to work together.

"Did you get the answer to number seven?"

"I put that she portrayed her life through the use of metaphors."

"Oh, I can see how you got that!" Class continued on like that for the remaining hour but at least I managed to get the work done in class.

The second bell rang, ending class. I put my stuff away and noticed Kiba's note. I took it upon myself to enter his number into my phone while everyone was too preoccupied to notice. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and stood up from my desk. To my surprise, Sasuke was waiting for me at the door. Was he watching me that whole time?

"I know the way there..." I said as I walked out the door, him following beside me.

"I'm just making sure you don't make a 'wrong turn'." He smirked. I sighed. It was a silent walk, besides everyone whispering and bad mouthing me in the hall. Sasuke and I made our way into the classroom. I didn't notice this yesterday but Ino's in our class. I guess her and Sakura ended up partners after Sasuke shot her down. They glared at me as I entered the room. I just looked to the ground as I took my seat. The bell rang.

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