Chapter 11

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Mikoto and Fugaku came home later in the evening. They ended up bringing home pizza, since it was so late, and a side salad for me. I tried pizza once. It was pretty amazing, though the grease alone nearly blew out my insides. My body isn't quite use to 'junk' and fried foods yet... how sad.

Itachi left shortly after dinner. I guess he was only here because Mikoto asked him to keep an eye on Sasuke and I so we'd stay outta trouble... or outta each other's rooms... I gotta say, he didn't do a very good job.

I was so afraid that they'd find out about Sasuke's neck... I wonder what they'd do? Lecture us? Ground us? Maybe even kick me out... I gulped.

"Something wrong, Naomi? You look pale." Mikoto commented. I jumped at her voice. Sasuke gave me a stern look. He saw right through me, knowing exactly what I was worried about.

"I-I'm just tired is all."

"You should go get some rest then, sweetie." She smiled as she grabbed mine and Sasuke's plates from the living room, taking them to the kitchen. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Way to keep your cool." Sasuke says mockingly.

"How am I supposed to act? I haven't dealt with anything like this before..." I whispered.

"Hn." Sasuke smirked mildly amused. "You know this isn't going to go away overnight, right? So either get your act together or fess up to it." I felt my face get warm. Did he really want his parents to know? That or he just thinks it's too big of a hassle to hide.

"I-I don't want to get in trouble... I feel like I violated their trust..." I adverted my gaze from him.

"Trust me, it's not them who you violated." I looked up at him shocked. Where was this coming from anyways? This isn't like him at all. Was he trying to... tease me? Like Itachi does?

"I-I'm going to go to bed... Night." I quickly got up and went to my room.

~Sasuke's pov~

I watched as Naomi rushed to her room. I mentally kicked myself. What the hell was I doing? Better yet, what did I do wrong? Her and Itachi banter back and forth, throwing little remarks at each other. And yet, she didn't even try to throw something back at me. She just ran off. A soft sigh escaped my lips. What's there about Itachi that isn't there with me? Why do I always have to end up in comparison with him...?

"Did Naomi go to bed?" I looked up at my mother. I just simply nodded my head. "Something on your mind?" I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"No." I stood. "Night." I walked past her and to my room. Naomi's door was closed and no light was visible. I let out a soft sigh and went to bed.

I woke up to the sound of running water. I looked towards the clock, 5:00? Why is Naomi up this early? I stretched out my body and yawned. She usually takes a shower at night. I stared at the ceiling for a long time, listening to the shower echo throughout the house. I could have sworn I heard her singing too...

I looked towards the clock when the sound of water flowing subsided. 5:45? She sure took her time, usually it takes her thirty minutes max. I lazily got out of bed and proceeded to get dressed. When I glanced back at the clock it was 6:15. She still hasn't come out of the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom door and knock. She has to cover my neck for school anyways so this wasn't that big of a deal.

As soon as she opened the door steam came pouring out and I was hit with the scent of her soap. She smiled. Her dark hair was still wet and slightly wavy. My eyes traveled down her nicely dressed body. For some reason the image of her sudsing up her body and washing it off kept popping into my head.

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