ένας: The Monster, The Thief, and The Dreamer

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My heart was pounding, my breaths jagged, my surroundings blurred.

I was running through the mist-filled forest, my feet thundering against the moss covered floor. My hand clutched the silver bow tightly at my side. The quiver full of arrows slung over my back shifted between every stride.

The moonlight spilled through the trees, creating a haunting spotlight which seemed to follow me. My footsteps were deafened by what sounded like thunder rolling in but I knew it wasn't thunder.

There was something chasing me.

I was a fast runner, but whatever was behind me was quicker. I didn't dare to shoot the monster with an arrow -- it would be a foolish decision to stop running for that one reason.

Realizing that the terrain no longer continued, I skidded to a stop, finding myself at a cliff. Thank you gods! I thought, gritting my teeth and glanced around me but there was nothing but more forest and more cliffs. My heavy breathing accelerated, whether it be from my lungs trying to catch up with my running or me panicking; I didn't know. Just what I need.

Suddenly, I heard an angry roar tear through the silence behind me, causing me to jump slightly in my spot. Instinct overpowering my mind, I swivelled around, now facing a giant. His skin was brown and thick, like the earth, and its eyes were as cold and silver as ice, matching its long, stringy hair. I knocked an arrow swiftly, aimed it at its head and took a few steps back. The earth beneath me began to crumble but my arrogant impulse caused me to ignore it. The lone silver arrow that was released from my bow whistled through the air, puncturing the giant's left, jaundiced silver eye. He howled a scream so loud and painful that I covered my ears, and I watched him yank the arrow from his eye. He let out another howl, however this sounded more angry than anything. The world slowed as he charged me. I  sucked in a breath and stood my ground, all the while reaching into my quiver to retrieve another arrow. I heard the ground beneath me disperse.

"One more shot," I murmured stubbornly, furrowing my eyebrows in concentration. I knew the cliff was going to break off but this shot was what I needed. If I shoot him in the other eye, it will blind him and his momentum from running will take him off the cliff. I can jump away from the cliff when it falls, so really, no biggie. "Make it count." I kissed the arrow in my hand before knocking it to my bow. The world fell silent, all except for the sound of my breathing  -- heavy and concentrated. The giant was still charging me but it was slowed. The giant was still screaming but it was deafened. I pulled back to my jaw and aimed at his right eye.

Just before I let go of the bowstring, the ground broke apart, my body giving in to gravity's pull. I saw the arrow fly but it hit his shoulder instead. Reflexes taking over, I latched onto the cliff, clinging onto the earth for my life with only one hand--my other one was holding my bow. This is it, a grim voice inside my head snarled, Give yourself to Hades, Raven. This is it.

"No," I grunted determinedly. I groaned as I tossed my bow from my hand and back onto the earth, not too far away from where I hung. With two hands free, I gripped onto the cliff. "No it isn't."

Adrenaline pumped through my veins as if it replaced my half-godly blood. Using the most strength I could muster, I pulled my body up, biting back a scream as the searing hit pain erupted from my muscles. I scrambled to my knees, my fingers wrapped around my bow so tight that my knuckles were turning white. I grabbed another arrow and knocked it. Biting back a moan of relief, I tried to get up, but a big, booming chuckle froze me to my spot.

"Little, puny demigod, all prideful and stubborn.  Trying to survive from me, a giant?  Bah!"

A large hand wrapped itself around my neck and body, bringing me up into the sky as if I weighed no more than a feather. The giant brought me to his eye level, his left eye no longer jaundice, but crimson with blood. His intense and gory gaze bore into mine, causing a shiver to crawl its way up my spine. In the position I was in, shooting an arrow was impossible. I removed the arrow from my bowstring and stabbed his scarred beefy hand.

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