δώδεκα: Flashback--PART 2

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"Splash more water on her face."

I open my eyes just as salt water floods my face. I cough and wipe it off.

"She was awake, idiot." Maple scoffs, slapping Willow's arm.

"Ow!" Willow rubs her arm. "Sorry, it was hard to tell! You know, with her eyes closed and everything!" Willow screeches in defence.

"Guys," I say, my head clouding and my vision blackening in pain, "I'm not sure, but I think when I hit the rock - a memory came back."

"You gotta be kidding, right," Zander says, as he kneels down beside me. "You can't have flashbacks during a battle, Raven! That could mean you'll have certain death, you do realize!" His voice is worried but his face is stern - like my dad in my memory.

"I know, I know! It just feels good to have at least a bit of knowledge of my past." I say back as I try to sit up but my head is pounding.

"So what do you know?" Zander asks darkly. As if he knows something I don't and he wants to keep it that way.

"Well, I'm Canadian." I say.

Both Maple and Willow cheer at that. "Join the club, sister!" Maple says, her face in a wide smile.

I continue, "I also know my dad." Zander nods. "But where is he now?" I ask, my face turning to a small frown.

Everyone shrugs, well, except for Death Breath over her. All he does is stare. I wonder what goes through that mind of his.

"Well, we better get going. It's almost sunset." Spencer says. "I'll go get a boat."

"I'll come! Stealing is my specialty!" Maple skips off to the now empty 'Monster Boats'.

"How'd you kill the hydra?" I ask Zander and Willow.

"Well with my awesome plant powers, I suffocated it while Zander beat the acid out of it. Right Zander?" Willow says, elbowing Zander in the arm.

"Yeah, I guess you can put it like that," Zander says flatly.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone," She winks at Zander and skips off to a tree.

"Willow seems more happy than usual." I say, wincing as I sitting up against the rock.

"Yeah, well she got an Iris message from Alex, just wanting to check up on her." He replies flatly.

"Yeah, that'll do the trick." The corners of my mouth turn slightly up.

Zander leans in and touches my forehead with his fingers gently. "You got more blood," He gently puts his thumb on my cut and he whips it away. I keep my eyes on his dark brown eyes. I take in all his features. His eyes are dark brown but I notice he has a tint of red flakes in them. It does make him look more like a son of Hades.

His face has never been so close to mine, even though he's whipping off the metallic liquid.

"You guys done yet?" Spencer's voice says. I push Zander off me and say, "Yeah, let's go." I get up and walk to the boat, leaving Zander and Spencer behind me.

* * * *

I close my eyes once we're on the boat and another flashback follows:

"So where are we staying?" Raven asks her dad as they walk out of the airport.

"I rented a place near Long Island Sound. It's a nice little house and it's near a lake and a beautiful forest." He says as he takes out his phone. "Just have to make a call." He walks away from where they're standing.

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