δεκαεπτά: Zander Develops A Strange Fetish

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After the flashback is over, my life flashes before my eyes like an old movie, but I only catch a few moments:

When I got my first bead when I was seven -- it had a brain on it since I was concurring my amnesia. When Zander came to camp when we were twelve with a chimera at his heels. It shows me throwing my sword -- Spencer's new sword -- to the younger Zander and him catching it, then quickly stabs it and slashes it, killing the Chimera and making gold rain on top of us. It shows him and I instantly becoming friends after the attack, sitting up in a tree talking. Another moment I catch is Chrion giving Maple, Willow and I our very own Pegasai when we were fourteen. A moment after that, is when I fell off my untamed Pegasus, Whisper, shortly after and Acacia saving me (she flew -- one of the cool tricks you get for being the child of the god of the sky) from plunging to my death. Another, Willow, Maple and I pretending to be Charlie's Angels (minus the nudity) one day when we were so bored, (we were fourteen, okay?) instead of guns, we had our favourite weapons: Willow had her chain whip, I had my bow and arrows and Maple had her dagger. Then I caught all the moments leading up to the present. I didn't realize it until now, but I'm much more lionhearted than I usually feel.

"Raven, wakie-wakie," Maple's mischevious voice sings.

I choke on my breath and I wake up.

"Finally you're awake!"

I look up from where I'm sitting on the ground and Maple is standing over me with a mischievous grin on her face. I rub my eyes.

"Gods, Rae. You look almost as bad as you did when I found you at the camp borders." Maple says, offering me a small hand so I can get up. Her hoodie crawles up her forearm, showing deep, angular scirbbles. I mentally take a note of asking her about it later.

I take her hand. I feel a large lump in my throat but I try to swallow it down. "Maple..." I squeeze my eyes shut but re-open them shortly after. "I know my past. All of it."

She looks at me like she half expected it. But says enthusiastically, "Yay! That's good!"

I lean my back against a tree for support and cross my arms over my chest. I shake my head. "Not really. I mean, I should feel better knowing my past, but I still -- feel empty."

Maple nods and says, "I'm sorry, Rae. I really am."

I peel myself from the tree that I was leaning on. I look around. A lucious green forest lays behind Maple, atop white rocked mountains, far from any civilization. The ocean is the most brilliant blue I've ever seen. This place can only be described in one word... Beautiful. "Where are we exactly?" Although, I know the answer.

She smiles, her green eyes are full of excitement. "Greece!"

"How -- "

"Zander shadow-traveled after the boat ride." She interrupts. "Our camp is over there." Maple jabs her index finger to somewhere deep in the forest.

"Alright, take me there then." I say, pushing the long strands of blonde hair out of my eyes.

She nods, doing as I say.

* * * *

"So what's the prophecy again?" Willow asks as she stuffs a hotdog in her mouth.

"It said something like this," I start, plucking a piece of my bread from my hotdog and throwing it in my mouth. "Five shall travel west,

Moon, Ocean, Thief, Tree, Death,

The day before the Summer Solstice.

There, you'll find the best.

Four will move on, one will stay.

And one will find her last breath,

From the Hunter's Revenge."

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