δεκαπέντε: I Spy With My Little Eye

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After a few hours of talking about the prophecy, and just talking in general, my eyes fall shut, and I fall into a world of nightmares...

I walk alone in the middle of a luscious green forest. The smell of nature soothes me whenever I'm stressed. My silver bow by my side, strung with one lonely arrow. I close my eyes, hearing the chirping of birds sing their sweet melody. The evening's sunlight breaks through the trees like a spotlight.

Breaking the birds songs off, was a blood-curdling scream, like glass shattering against tile flooring. Instantly, my eyes fly open and I sprint through the forest, following the screaming as if I was a child running for an ice cream truck, but instead of glee, it's anxiousness and fast-paced heart beats.

When I reach where the screaming came from, I stop in my tracks frozen. My heart crawls into my throat as if it wanted to escape my chest and tears threaten to spill. The girl who's screaming is Willow.

All my friends: Zander, Maple, Willow, Spencer, Acacia, Alex and that Apollo kid Maple saved at the borders who came with Spencer -- I think his name is Aiden... anyway, all seven of them are tied with iron ropes to a wooden post, wolves the size of a car - and are clearly not Artemis's or any normal wolf - picking at their skin, peeling it off, blood following close behind.

Willow is still screaming, tossing her head side to side, tears falling from her orange eyes, clutching Alex's hand, who's standing beside her, trying to contain the pain but fails to do so as a few tears fall from his stormy grey eyes. On the other side of Willow is Acacia - who's now twenty-five, wailing in pain, her hands clasped over her face half stopping the tears from falling and her left leg to her chest in agony. Maple is sobbing, her red hair falling over her wet face, like the blood falling from her arms, legs and neck. Aiden is beside her, his handsome face red and bleeding and his bronze hair in waves, falling into his blood-shot eyes. Zander stands on the other side of Maple in a brotherly way and is staring at me, his eyes a dark crimson red like the blood pouring from his skin, making a puddle beneath his feet..

I hear deep chuckling and I whip my head towards the noise. I see a man, his perfect dark brown locks falling in his tanned face. He's quite tall and muscular in a lean way and he's dressed in a green chiton -- what the Greeks wore. His eyes are a mix of green and silver -- beautiful colour. In other words... he's probably the most handsome man I've ever seen.

"Hello beautiful," He purrs, his Greek accent flowing through his words like a summer's breeze. "You look like your naturally stunning mother, well, except for your golden locks." He smiles, his teeth glowing white.

"Orion," I whisper, trying the name out on my tongue.

He nods. "That is my name, Ravenna." He walks to me and twirls a piece of my hair in between his fingers. For some reason, I don't pull away.

Then that's when I see him; lying on the grass floor, drenched in blood.

My father.

That's when the tears escaped my eyes. "Dad!" I screech. "Daddy!" I wouldn't of thought of calling him, daddy but I need him.

"Ravenna," My dad whispers, with voice scratchy and deep. He coughs up blood.

I gasp and jerk away from Orion, but before I knew it, his right hand is clasped around my throat. He lifts me up from the ground, his handsome face scowling.

"Would you like to see what your mother did to me, Ravenna?" He spits.

I wince, his grip tightening. "Don't call me that," I choke out.

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