δεκατρείς: Flashback--PART 3

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Raven opens one eye, then the other realizing that it's her seventh birthday today. Without thinking, Raven threw off her sleeping bag and pounces on her dad's sleeping bag. "Dad, wake up! It's my birthday!" She calls with a grin, ear to ear She looks down and notices the lumps that should be her dad. No response; he must be underneath the blankets. "Dad! Come on, wake up!" No response. She frowns and rips off the blanket of the sleeping bag and she gasps in surprise and fright. There's no response because there's no one. "Dad?" She calls desperately. She looks more deeply in the sleeping bag and there are fine rips. She gasps again and leaps to her feet.

He must be outside, she thinks to herself, that's it. He's probably making breakfast. Raven turns to the front of the tent and jumps seeing it's in shreds as if a wild animal tore it open. She gulps and runs out of the tent, clutching her wolf named Luna that she had for as long as she could remember. She turns and looks at her tent. It's all ripped and in shreds like it went through a paper shredder.

"No, no, no," Raven mutters, worry dripping through every word. "Dad?" She calls. It's okay, Raven, she thinks to herself, again, he's probably out getting something. But another side of her knows that's not true, but she refuses to believe it.

She scrambles around trying to find her father. Nothing but animal prints. Raven frowns slightly and kneels down beside one and she notices that the print is much bigger than her feet put together. She looks up; wind whipping at her clothes and her long, blonde hair.

"Dad?" Her voice becomes more desperate. "Dad, dad?" Even more desperate. "Where are you? Dad!" Very desperate now.

Her full bottom lip start trembling but she gulps down her sob but can't control the tear that falls down her cheek but she whips it off roughly. "DAD?" Her voice is now very hoarse. "Daddy?" She hasn't called Reed 'Daddy' since she was younger, but she feels so small and lonely and she needs her daddy more than anything.

She runs aimlessly around. "Dad." She says weakly. Her voice is a mix of a plead, desperate, hoarse and whimpering. All she wants is her father on her birthday. Any day. That's it. But he's gone now. Raven drops to her knees, landing on a sharp rock but ignoring the sharp pain in her knee-cap. She curls up into a little ball, not knowing what to do, she's only seven after all. She sobs into her wolf her father gave her when she was a wee baby. She sobs herself to sleep only thinking of one thing and one thing only.

The phrase her dad promised before sending his daughter to sleep:

I'll see you in the morning.

* * * *

Raven hears soft crunching of leaves underneath feet. Hope fills her body like new found blood and she looks up, trying to smile, but couldn't. Instead of seeing her father - that she wishes to have more than anything in the world - she sees a glowing silver light; followed by dozens of more.

But the figures come into view. There's a young girl standing in front of everyone. The girl is probably around thirteen or fourteen but she is very beautiful. She has flawless porcelain skin and full, obviously natural red lips. big, wide-set eyes that are a beautiful yellow-silver; she has long, dark eyelashes that complete her eyes. Her long, wavy auburn-blonde hair goes down to her ribs and her head is crowned with a beautiful silver headpiece with a crescent moon at the top. The girl wears a white chiton that goes to her mid-thigh and she carries a silver bow and a silver quiver full of silver arrows. She also glows a silver and radiates power. At her right side is a pure white wolf, and to left, is another girl.

Raven puts on her best glare and demands hoarsely, "Who are you?"

"I'm surprised you don't know, Ravenna. Your father has spoken a lot about me, has he not?" The girl says. She smiles but there is no kindness in it. No gentle. Nothing but coldness like the moon sinking into the horizon, escaping the scenario.

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