δεκαοχτώ: My Long-Lost Friend

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I kept on killing more animals, plus the failing of our incantations.

Closing my eyes, I inhale through my nose, trying to rid my guilt, but instead I'm granted with the pungent odour of deceased corpses and blood. My eyes fly open as I crinkle my nose. "Okay, this is going to be the last one, alright?" I decide as I notch another arrow.

"Yeah, good idea. Or else all the animals in this forest would be extinct," Zander replies, sarcasm dripping from his words.

I hear a rustle in a bush farther away. "C'mon," I whisper as I get closer and the animal comes into view. It's a beautiful, white wolf -- one of the sacred animals of my mom. It has pure white fur that resembles snow, and it looks so soft and delicate that if I touch it with my fingers, it'll melt. It has large icy blue eyes, like an iceberg and peculiar grey markings that curls around the eyes that starts from her snout, with dots lining beneath her eyes. It was a stunning creature, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt eating away at my heart, but I try to ignore it, but without prevail.

Zander comes up beside me, nudging my arm softly. "You gonna kill it, or do I have to?" Zander twists his ring where his new sword is hidden.

"One thing's for sure, you're not going to kill the wolf," I declare, glancing over at him, "my mom will go on a rampage and probably kill you. Never kill her possessions; especially since we're in her birth place -- Greece." I finish my warning, as I raise my readied bow at the wolf. "I'll do it. She'll hopefully spare me." Sorry mom, I think to myself as I let go of the bowstring.

I hear a yelp as the arrow connects with the wolf's neck. I run to the wolf and kneel down, trying to ignore the remorse that's causing pain within my chest. You're a cold, heartless killer, a hissing voice seethes, you deserve to die rather than those innocent animals. My breath catches in my throat, not continuing down to my lungs. I feel like I'm drowning, like the world around me is engulphed in water, and I'm falling deep within the waves of repentance, unable to reserface. I gasp for air as tears prickle behind my eyes, threatening to spill, like the blood of those helpless animals.

"Clean shot," Zander states, shattering my thoughts and conscience like a vase of glass connecting with the tile floor, "and it's dead in case you need to know." Zander continues and kneels down beside me.

"She's dead," I correct him coldly. What if she had a family? Forcing myself to not think about the little but significant things, I retrieve the arrow and look down at the once peaceful animal. I bite my lip then nod at Zander, "Now." I place my right palm on where her heart would be, close my eyes and start to sing the incantation while Zander mutters his. Concentrate, Raven. You can do this, I think to myself. I guess Zander finished his but I continue the incantation. I need this wolf to survive.

"Raven," Zander breathes, nudging my arm. "You got to see this."

"What?" I snap as I open my eyes. My jaw drops. I see the wolf's icy blue eyes flutter open. "It worked," I gasped, watching the wolf struggle up as if she were still a pup. She looks at me then at Zander, then back at me. Her eyes melt into mine, and they appear to warm, like blue fire.

The wolf bows and a female voice appears in my head and ears. Thank you, daughter of Artemis, for bringing me back. I do think your mother taught you that one, but that doesn't matter. Since you are the daughter of the protector of wolves, I am now loyal to you.

My jaw lowers even more, if that even possible. Did the wolf just talk to me? I must be going insane. I stand up and lean against a tree.

"Why did the wolf just bow and started talking in some dog language?" Zander asks, while standing up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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