Late Nites and Concerts.

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Scar's POV

I woke up to all the boys singing loudly and jumping around. I threw a pillow at Clayton, giving him a death glare. "Sorry." He laughed, throwing the pillow back at me. I rolled my eyes and tried to sleep again, putting my headphones in and letting Blink-182 fil lmy ears. People never understood how I slept with music so loud, I just always found it to be relaxing. Next thing I knew, there was a wild Brady jumping on me. I groaned and tried to roll over. "Scar," He whispered. "he's going to keeeeeeeeell me." I didn't understand what he was saying. "Clayton. He's going to kill me. Help. I'm too young to die!" I giggled and put the blanket over him, rolling him onto the floor. "I saw him come back here. He has to be back here." He climbed over the seats and stepped on Brady. I couldn't help but laugh. The van went silent. 

"She laughs!" Bernie, the older man, yelled from the driver's seat. I blushed and grabbed my blanket back, holding it to my face. "Well, we got you to laugh, let's see if we can get you to talk. If not, I'm really funny, so  I'll just get you to laugh all the time." I smiled, shaking my head. My long brown hair fell into my face as I curled up into a ball and rested my head on Clayton and tried to sleep again. "You need to not sleep so much." Clayton laughed, and pulled the blanket from me. I sighed and moved over to the front of the van, sitting next to Dalton. "Good morning, gorgeous." He smiled down at me and I just hugged him, looking out the window, trying to see where we were. 

I looked away for a second, then looked back, and there was a bird about to be hit by the van. "STOP!" I jumped up, trying to get Bernie to stop. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I just really loved animals, okay? "She speaks!" Clayton yelled. "We hit it." I mumbled, moving to the back of the van. Everyone watched me, silently. "It's dead." I started to cy, wanting everyone to leave me alone. Brady came over and hugged me. How he knew how to keep me calm, I'll never undertand. Clayton and the boys just watched as I sobbed into Brady's shirt. "You spoke, though. The first time in a while, huh?" He spoke quietly to me. I didn't know what to do, so I just pulled the blanket up, trying to go to sleep to forget about everything.

Clayton's POV

Scarlett fell asleep as Brady talked to her. I swear, if anyone in this band hurts her, they're dead. Damn, why am I so protective over her? I've only known the girl for a few hours. This is crazy. I sighed and put my headphones on. Maybe I just needed to sleep. 

--three hours later--


I woke up, being shaken by my new sister, and the boys all yelling. "We're at the venue, man." Drew  laughed, pushing his way past me. "Alright, alright. Scarlett, you're running merch." She looked up at me, as if she was terrified to even go into the venue. "Don't worry, you won't get killed." I quickly got out of the van and started to bring my things into the venue. "We really need people to do this for us." I complained to nobody in particular. "But then you'd never work out, and you'd get all fat." Scarlett mumbled, taking the merch table and things out. She was strong for such a small girl. "You don't talk a lot, but when you do, it's like the entire world stops to listen." Brady comented. She blushed and brought her things into the venue. It was true. When she did talk, it was either about something she was passionate about, or really funny. In the couple of hours that we've known each other, she had spoken a couple of times. It's still more than in the past two years. That's progress. I smiled as I took things into the venue.

Scarlett's POV

I set up the table, setting everything in weird designes. I put all the shirts in a pyramid, along with the braceletts and CDs. It was all set up, and ready. I was content with my work and went to go find Clayton. There were a lot of people, and that always made me nervous. I looked around the corner and found someone. I couldn't quite tell who it was. "Clayton?" I whispered. I need to get louder. I made my way to the person. As I got closer I saw it was Brady. He was talking to Dalton, so I went to go find Clayton. "Scar!" Dalton ran over, hugging me. I couldn't help but smile. He always had a way to make me smile. It was weird. I tried to get away from him, but he wouldn't let go. "Shitdick." I mumbled, trying to pry his hads away from me. "Offensive." He faked being hurt. I finally got the courage to yell. "Brady! Help me!" I laughed trying to get away from the boy. "Nah, I think I'll let you guys fight for a bit. You look so cute when you struggle." "Gee, thanks" I rolled my eyes before elbowing Dalton and running. "See ya!" I smiled, running. I ran straight into Clayton. "I talk now." I said quietly. He just smiled, grabbing my hand. "Guys, Scar and I are going for a walk!" He yelled back to Dalton and Brady. 

"So, tell me, why didn't you talk before, for so long, too?" He questioned as we walked down to a park. "I get scared. I'm really nervous around people. When my mom died.." I could feel myself starting to cry already. "when she died, I stopped talking to people, because I thought it was a waste. I'm just building relationships with people that were going to hurt me in the end. I didn't want to be hurt again. I thought that if I didn't talk to anyone, I wouldn't get hurt." I didn't look at him at all. I looked up at the sky. It was getting dark, meaning it was getting closer to show-time. "So, why are you talking now?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "I guess I just feel okay with you guys. You're all really nice and I can't help but be happy when I'm around you guys. I know none of you will ever hurt me." I shrugged, braiding parts of my hair. 

"Wait, so, your mom.. she's dead. I get that, but what about your dad?" 

I felt my heart drop. My eyes grew wide. I didn't know what to do. The thought of my dad scared me. He's the reason I don't trust Bernie, and I probably won't trust my new father. I shook my head and ran back to the venue. 

I could hear Clayton running behind me. I found the van and ran in, going to the back. I locked all the doors so nobody could come in. I heard banging on the door, and muffled talking. I could barely make out what the people were saying. 

"Dude, lock yourself out?" One voice said

"No, Scarlett locked herself in." Clayton said, quite angrily. Now I was really scared of him.

"I'll go get Bernie." My eyes grew wide again. I made my way to the front and let myself out through the driver's door, silently. I waited until they were unlocking the door to run into the venue. I accidently ran into Drew. "Hey there, slow down! You okay?" He held my shoulders, not letting me go. "I'm fine. I need to go." I ran away from him and started working with the merch for the VIP people. They were waiting for Farewell, My Love to start their acoustic set while I sold Late Nite Reading merch. I never actually heard their music, but aparently they were good, since so many people wanted their CD. 

I looked around and saw a nervous looking Clayton and Dalton. I sighed, selling a crewneck that said "Once Lovely Always Lovely" on it to a young looking girl. She couldn't have been older than me. Clayton ran over, hugging me. "You scared the shit out of me. Don't do that again. I'm sorry for asking about your dad. I won't do it again. Just don't run off like that again, okay?" I was so shocked. "Y-you're not m-mad at me?" I always thought that when a man was mad at a girl, they'd lash out. I thought that was normal. "I'm mad, but I'm relieved that you're okay." I hugged him back lightly then went back to work as the concert started.

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