Late Nites and Movies

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Scarlett's POV

I sat in the car, waiting to get to the movies with my new family. I loved listening to Brady and Clayton argue about what movie we were going to see. I wanted to see a scary movie or a comedy. I know thy're complete opposites, but they were my favorite kinds of movies. I was lost in thought, looking out the window when something hit me. I turned to face the boys who were now laughing at me. "What? What did I do?" I was so worried they were going to hurt me. "Nothing, we're here. I thought you'd want to know." Brady laughed, getting out of the car. Well, that didn't take long.

I got out of the car, meeting my new mom and dad at the door. Something I liked about them was they knew everything already. I didn't have to tell them about mom or dad. They knew, and they didn't ask anything about them. It was really sweet. Dalton came up behind me, hugging me. "Hey, girl, hey!" He laughed, sounding like a girl. "Get off of me, Dalton or I'll cut your dick off." I elbowed him and ran over to Drew. "Save me." I whispered to him. He held out his arms, and yelled, "DON'T TOUCH MY DARLING SCAR! I WILL CUT YOU, BIATCH!" I couldn't help but laugh at him. I loved these boys so much. Brady came up behind me, telling me to be quiet as we snuck off. "There's water bottles. If we poke holes in them, we can use them as like, water guns." I smiled at his idea, grabbing two for myself, and two for him. We poked holes in them, walking up to the other guys. 

"3" He whispered to me.

"2" I whispered to him.

"1!" We yelled at the same time, squirting the guys with the water.

Choruses of "What the fuck!?" and "Dude!" and, "I'm going to kill you!" could be heard. It was fun to finally do something fun with the guys. Brady, being the douche he is, squirted me with his water bottles, so I squirted him back. "How could you?! I thought we were together on this!" I laughed as Drew stepped in front of me. "Don't squirt my baby!" The fact that he was so over dramatic was the greatest ever.

"Can we go watch a movie now? Maybe I can dry off in there." I mumbled the last part to myself. Everyone went inside, leaving me to get snacks. Lovely, boys. Just lovely. "You know," I turned around to see Brady. "I'd let you have my jacket, but it's a little completely wet now." I laughed, grabbing the snacks. "That's fine. I'll just dry off in the bathroom. You should too. You're still really wet." I laughed, going to find everyone else. 

After drying off, Brady and I found our seats. I was next to Dalton and Brady. This won't be fun. I sighed and had some popped corn while the movie started. It was a scary movie, and with every loud noise, I jumped, or hid my face. "Scared?" Dalton whispered to me. "Me? Scared? Psh. No. That's rediculou--AH!" I hid my face in his chest. Moving quickly, I went back to how I was origionally sitting. "I mean.. I'm not scared." Brady and Dalton laughed at me, both putting their arms around me. "Don't worry, you're safe with us." Brady whispered to me, sending shivers down my spine. I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep half way through the movie. 

--later that night--

I woke up in my room on my wonderful, huge bed. I changed out of my clothes, into pajama pants and a camisole. I made my way downstairs. I was greated with everyone saying "Good morning, Lovely." The fact that they all said it at the same time was weird. And why were they all here? "Shouldn't you all be at Brady's or something?" I trudged over to the kitchen, getting myself a granola bar. "Yeah, we're going there later." Drew smiled at me. "Stop being such a creep, Drew." I sat on Dalton's lap. "So, I was just telling the guys that nobody's allowed to date you. So, if you go out with any of them.. You can't." Clayton said casually. I raised my eyebrow and qoted my favorite movie at him. "I'm pretty suremy lack of allure shot that horse in the face." All the guys laughed.

I sighed, resting my head on Dalton's chest. He was like my big brother. All of them were like brothers to me. It was really cool to have people that actually cared. "Hey, we should probably get going. Practice starts soon." Drew sighed, getting up. "See y'all later." I got up, waving at the guys. "Tell Bradykins I said hi!" I ran upstairs, putting on my music. Singing and dancing around my room has become a new hobby. My new parents didn't seem to mind. 


Short, I know. I'm sorry. My mom and stepdad are home now, so I've got to help with dinner and things. Please enjoy. Leave feedback. Love you xx

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