Late Nites and Shopping

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Scarlett's POV

I woke up to see ll the boys still on my bed. It was kind of weird waking up to this, even though it's like tour. "Fuck." I mumbled, trying to get out of bed without waking anyone up. It was like trying to get out of a snake pit without getting bitten. One wrong move, and I'll be back down, never to get up again, mostly because these boys have this thing for cuddling. They'd cuddle with a cactus if they could.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen without waking anoyone up. I grabbed pancake mix, eggs, sausages, orange juice, and bananas, and quickly started making the boys breakfast. I would have made bacon, but there was none, sadly. 

While the pancakes were cooking, I went back to my room, grabbed my radio, and went back downstairs. Mr and Mrs Collins weren't awake yet. Not shocking.. it's only 10 AM. As I started cooking the eggs and sausages, the boys started coming down one by one. First was Clayton, next Drew, then Dalton. I waited for Brady to come down, but he was taking forever. "I'll be right back." I mumbled to the guys and ran upstairs. I jumped on my bed and onto Brady. "Good morning, sunshine! The sun came out to say hellooo!" I smiled, ruffling his hair. "Tell the su nto go away. I don't like it." He pulled me down, not letting go. "Com on, Bradypoo." I tried to get him out of bed, but he wasn't having it. I sighed, resting my head on his chest for a minute before speaking again. "I made food." With that, Brady was downstairs and eating by the time I got down there. "Geez, what took you so long, Scar?" Brady laughed, drinking his orange juice. I playfully slapped him, while I sat next to Clayton and Drew.

"So," I said, taking one of Drew's pancakes. "What are you lovely boys doing today?" I asked, bringing dishes to the sink. "I was thinking mall, park, food. Not particularly in that order." Dalton said with his mouth full, earning a glare from me. "What are you doing today?" Clayton asked, looking over at me. "Uhm, I'm not sure. I was going to clean, cook for when your parents wake up, maybe go to the mall. I need new clothes. The orphanage didn't like bringing me shopping, so the last time I got clothes was last year." I shrugged, taking empty plates from the boys. "Why don't you come with us?" Drew asked sweetly. "I can only handle you guys for so long. By the way, y'all are cleaning my room. It wasn't so messy until you decided to sleep over. I patted Clayton's head then made my way back upstairs to get changed, while the boys all left for the day. I didn't know what time Clayton would be back, so I just assumed it would be late.

--Two hours later--

 I had already cooked a big brunch for Mr and Mrs Collins, and was doing the laundry. It took around two hours to do the laundry. I was just finishing when I decided to go shopping. 

"Hey, I'm going to the mall." I hugged my new parents and walked out the door. I was going to text clayton and Have him pick me up, but Mr and Mrs Collins came out, handing me $200. "Are you crazy?! I can't take this." I tried to give it back to them, but they wouldn't take it. "Have Clayton bring you home before ten. You start school tomorrow." Mr Collins said, pushing me away from the house.

Scar~Hey, could you drive me to the mall?

Clayboo~ Yeah, Dalton and I were just on our way there. Be outside in five minutes.


I waited five minutes, but it felt like forever. Dalton pulled up, yelling at me to get in the car. "Clayton. Your parents are crazy." He looked at me like I was the crazy one. I just handed him the money with a knowing look. "Okay, yeah, they're a little crazy. Don't spend it all in one place." He smirked, handing me the money.

We got to the mall and I jumped out of the car, heading straight for Hot Topic. Clayton and Dalton were following me until I told them I could take care of myself. I'm sixteen, not six. The boys went to the food court, because apparently that's all boys do at the mall. 

I was looking around the store when I saw a Forever the Sickest Kids T-shirt. There was another girl there, looking at the same shirt. I had to make my move. I needed that shirt. I went over and grabbed it, along with skinny jeans. The girl glared at me. I just shrugged and paid for the shirt and jeans. Next I went to DEB and bought four shorts, three jeans, six shirts, and two hoodies.

I was leaving the store when my phone buzzed. 

Salty Dalty~We're leaving. Meet us by Hot Topic.

I didn't bother answering. I just went to the store,  and bought bracelets, necklaces, and hair things before the boys showed up. "Took you ong enough." I laughed, handing Dalton and Clayton some of my bags. "Damn, girl." I gave Dalton a questioning look. "What?" I walked to the car, putting everything in the back. "Alright, let's go home. My feet hurt." I I put my feet on the back of Clayton's seat, listening to whatever it was that was playing on the radio.

We got home, and the boys helped me bring everything to my room. I thanked them both, kissing them on the cheek. Now to get ready for school. Ugh. This is going to suck.

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