Late Nites and New Schools.

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Scarlett's POV

Mrs. Collins woke me up at six this morning for my first day of school. It was terrible waking up so early, but school might be fun.

I got out of bed, putting on light blue jeans and my Late Nite Reading crew neck that I stole from the boys while we were on tour. They don't seem to care that I took it. I brushed through and straightened my hair. It was a terrible mess since I took a shower right before bed. I guess I shouldn't have done that, but oh well. 

"Scarlett, Brady's driving you to school since he has to bring Lilly to school too." Mr Collins said as I grabbed an apple for breakfast. "Alright. I'm going to go charge my phone and things. Get me when Brady gets here, please!" And with that I was upstairs, charging my Ipod, listening to Mayday parade, and putting my hair up in different styles. I had half pinned up on one side, and the rest down when I heard someone at my door. "I like your hair like that." I smiled, walking past Brady. "Gee, thanks." I I walked out of the house, saying bye to everyone while we made our way to Lilly's school. We hugged her and said bye before goingto my new school. "Do I have to go?" I sighed, not wanting to get out of the car. "Well... No. But it's frowned upon if you don't." Brady looked over at me with a reassuring smile. "If I ask you to come get me later, would you?" I was practically on my knees begging. "Maybe." He hugged me and pushed me out of the car. "That's okay, I know when I'm not wanted." I sighed over dramatically. "You've been hanging out with Drew too much." Was all he said before driving off.

I turned to face the school and made my way to the front office. The woman looked at me with an expectant look. "H-hi. I'm Scarlett Rousse. I'm new here." I mumbled quietly. She just smiled, handing me my schedule before sending me off. On my schedule was my locker information. Let the hell start. I rolled my eyes and made my way to my locker, then my first class. It was American Government. Thank sweet baby Jesus my first class was one that I like. The teacher, Mr. Martin introduced me to the class and told me to take any empty seat. There was only one, and it was next to a really cute guy. This will either be really good or really bad. "Hey, I'm Alex." He said quietly, smiling at me. "I-I'm Scarlett." I mumbled, getting out what I need for my class. I accidentally dropped my schedule. Alex picked it up for me, studying it. "We've got most of the same classes. Cool." He handed it back to me, I smiled and shoved it in my pocket. "I guess I'll be the one to show you around, then. I'll introduce you to my friends. They're really cool." He smiled then went back to his work.

Before I knew it, class was over. I grabbed my things and went to my locker, getting ready for American Literature. Alex appeared next to me, just staring at me. I looked at him and blushed. I quickly looked back to my locker. "Hey! Alex! Ready to learn about dead people and their depressing writing?!" Some tall boy with long black hair and piercing blue eyes came up to me and Alex. "It's more than just that, Justin." He sighed, closing the locker I didn't notice him open. "But yeah. You ready, Scarlett?" He looked over at me. I felt my knees go weak. I just nodded. "Your new girl doesn't talk much, does she?" Justin laughed. I could feel myself blushing again. This time I just ran. I went to class and took a seat in the back. 

Next thing I knew, Alex and Justin walked in, taking the seats on either side of me. "I'm sorry for his... existence." Alex laughed, nodding over to Justin. I just smiled, looking back to my notebook, as I wrote down what the teacher had on the board. "Can I borrow a pen?" Justin asked me sweetly. I smiled, handing him my blue pen. "Thanks." I just nodded.

Lunch came quickly, yet another hour I had to spend with Alex and Justin. "HEY, SCARLETT! OVER HERE!" I sighed and walked over to the boys, with my tray in my hand. Alex got up, taking my tray. "We're eating outside." He put one arm around me, holding my tray in his other hand. 

People were calling and whistling, so I pulled away from Alex and sat under a tree with him and his friends. "Guys, this is Scarlett, but we're going to call her Scar." I blushed and started eating my pizza. "Hey, I'm Chelsea. But you can call me Chels." I smiled and shook her hand. "It's nice to meet  all of you." I smiled, speaking quietly. "Oh, you're a Late Nite Reading fan?" Another girl, that I came to know was named Rebecca, pointed out my shirt. I blushed and nodded. "I guess you can say that." I mumbled. As if on cue, Brady called me. "Good morning, sunshine." I greeted him, smiling. "Hey, how's school?" 

"It's still happening. So far it's good. I've made some friends." I shrugged, finishing my pizza.

"Alright. Clayton has to go get his guitar fixed, so I'm picking you up today.Meet me where I dropped you off this morning." I sighed and nodded. "Okay, bye, darling." I hung up and turned to my new friends. "Who was that?" Alex raised is eyebrow at me. "My brother's friend." I went to throw out my garbage, Justin following me. "So, why do you actually talk to your brother's friends, but you're so quiet with your own friends?"

"It took me a week or two to actually talk to them." I mumbled, getting ready for my next three classes.

--end of the day--

Chelsea and I waited outside for Brady to show up. Rebecca came to give Chelsea a ride home. The second Rebecca showed up, Brady did too. "Hey, bitch. Get in." I laughed, getting in. "Bye, girls!"They both looked weird. Like they'd seen a ghost. "Weird." I mumbled, turning on the radio.

We got home, and I thanked Brady for the ride. "Hey, don't let the boys at school fool you. They just want to get in your pants." He warned me. "I'm turning seventeen in three days, Brady. I'm pretty sure I can handle myself. Besides, Alex and Justin would never hurt me intentionaly." I started to walk off when he got out of the car, stopping me. "Alex and Justin? Who are they? New friends?" He looked genuinly worried. "Ehm... yeah. They're the only people that talk to me. Next to Chelsea and Rebecca." 

"Don't do anything stupid with these guys, okay? Promise?" Gosh, sometimes he was like a brother, other times... I don't know. I can't explain it.

"Promise." I hugged him, kissing his cheek and went inside to start my homework. Today could have gone better. It also could have been worse.

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