Late Nites and Zombies

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Scarlett's POV

Clayton's been gone since yesterday. I spent all day and all night dancing to my music. Clayton stayed over at Brady's place again tonight, and his parents were out on a date, so I had the place to myself. What was I going to do? They left $50 on the counter for me to order pizza or chinese for dinner. I'm pretty sure I don't need that much for pizza or chinese for myself, so I ordered a lot. Like.. a lot. I had all the chinese food spread out across the floor, and the pizza on the coffee table. I popped in my favorite zombie movie, Warm Bodies. It was 9:00 PM, and nobody was home yet. I didn't expect Clayton's parents to be home any time soon. They said they'd be home at around two or three in the morning. Hey, go hard or go home. 

I started the movie and ate my shrimp fried rice. Why was 'R' so cool? I seemed to like him for different reasons than most people. The only thing about this movie that I didn't like was how dark it was. All the lights were off in the house, the movie was on really loud, and it was really dark. Not my best idea ever. I watched as the zombies attacked the teens that were getting medicine. "Rude." I mumbled, eating more. Suddenly, I heard someone outside. I knew it was stupid to get scared. It was probably just Clayton. I turned my attention back to the movie. Next thing I knew, there were four boys standing behind me, screaming, going to attack. "What the actual fuck?!" I screamed, trying to get away. Brady picked me up, bringing me over to the couch. "But.. but.. my food." I pouted. "You eat a lot, for such a tiny girl." Drew commented. "What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?" I reached over for my shrimp fried rice successfully snatching it away from Dalton. You don't mess with a white girl's food. 

"Oh, I love this movie!" Brady pulled a blanket over us, while Clayton and Dalton sat down next to us on the couch. Drew sat on the arm rest of the couch, so we were all together. It felt like a nice little family. I can't believe how much I've grown to love these boys in such a short amount of time.

I heard a bang and jumped, hiding my face in Brady's chest. He wraped his arms around me, tightly. "You alright?" He whispered to me. "Y-yeah. I'm going to go do a thing at a place." I ran out of the room, went upstairs, and locked the door. It was raining. Thunder and lightning. Lovely. I heard a knock at the door, but didn't dare move. "Scar, are you alright?" I heard Dalton's voice through the door. I reluctantly opened the door just to see all the boys on the other side. Dalton and Clayton brought me over to my bed, just holding me. I cried and rested my head on Clayton. "You alright?" He whispered to me. "Yeah." I sighed. There was a TV in my room, so we put the movie on up here. "Brady, Drew? Could you guys bring the food up?" Drew smiled, ruffling my hair. "You're terrified of this storm, so you want to watch a zombie movie and eat junk food?" He raised an eyebrow and I just nodded my head. "Will you marry me?" I laughed as Brady hit him over the head. "C'mon, man. Food." He laughed, going downstairs. 

"Claypoo, I need my ipod." The second I mentioned it, he ran out of the room, coming back with a box, just as Brady and Drew came back with the food. "I got you something." He smiled, sitting back on my bed. "Oh no. You didn't have to." I watched as he brought the box closer. "Actually... you did have to." I smiled, grabbing the box and opening it. "You didn't." I was shocked when I realized what it was. "I did." It was an Iphone 5. I've never had a phone before. "All of our numbers are saved in it. The orphanage's number is in it so you can call Ari." That was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. I jumped up and hugged him. "Thank you." A tear fell down my face as I pulled away. "Yup, so now when you're home alone, watching scary movies, all alone in the dark, during these storms, when you have enough food to feed an army, you can call us, and we'll be right here." He smiled, kissing my forehead. "You guys are the best. Now give me my pizza." Brady placed the box on my bed and told me to wait while he got plates. I waited; but not patiently. "I want my pizza." I sighed, watching the box, as if it was going to go somewhere. "I'll go help with the plates. We don't need him breaking any." Clayton sighed, getting up to help. 

I wasleft with Dalton and Drew. These guys were like my best friends. I knew they'd never do anything to hurt me, so I was okay with being left alone with them. I took a sip from my Monster that I had on my side table. "So, you like Brady." Dalton said, raising an eyebrow at me. I nearly spat my drink out. "Wh-what?" I liked him, yeah, but I didn't know if I liked him as much as I thought I did. It's confusing, I know. "I've only known him for like.. a month. Come on, now." Dalton and Drew both raised their eyebrows at me. "What?" I blushed, taking another sip from my Monster, suddenly wishing Clayton hadn't left. "We know you like him. Clayton and Brady are oblivious to these things, so don't worry. You won't get in any trouble." Drew stated, patting my head, as if I was a dog. "Could you not?" I sighed, fixing my hair. "I don't know if I like him or not. I mean, he's great. He's always there for me, and he's always making me laugh.. but Clayton.." I sighed, putting my drink back. The boys nodded. They understood I couldn't do anything about this little crush I had. Soon, Clayton returned with the plates, and I got to finally eat.

Brady's POV

Damn, this girl knows what she wants. I put the box of pizza on her bed and told her to wait while I get plates. I ran downstairs, going to get plates when I realized Clayton was behind me. When we got to the kitchen, I gave him three plates, while I held the other two. "We need to talk, man." He sighed. "What's up, Clay?" I put the plates down on the counter, waiting for him to continue. "Do you like Scarlett?" He sighed. "What? No, of course not. Besides, she's only sixteen. That would be ridiculous." "She turns seventeen next week." He pointed out. I knew I liked her, but I was going to wait to be with her until she was at least seventeen. "Besides, even if I did like her, you already made it clear that you don't want any of us dating her. Don't worry about it, dude. Now, let's get these upstairs before she comes down and kills us." He laughed and we made our way upstairs.

I gave Scarlett her plate first, so she could eat and not kill me, then I served myself as Clayton was giving Drew and Dalton their plates. 

The rest of the night went by rather quickly. Scarlett fell asleep halfway through the movie, again. I'm starting to think she doesn't know how to stay awake through movies. That's alright, though. She's cute when she's asleep. Not that she's not cute all the time. Oh god, I really need to stop thinking about her like this. "Hey, you guys want to crash here? It's not like we have anything to do tomorrow." Clayton whispered, while we cleaned all the food and drinks off of Scarlett's bed. "Yeah, man. Let me call Bernie and tell him." I walked outside with some trash, and called Bernie, while Drew and Dalton called their parents, and Clayton texted his, since they were out on a date. They weren't expected to be home until two or three in the morning. It was only 11 now. 

I got off of the phone with Bernie and walked back to Scarlett's room to see all the guys spread out on her bed. I guess it's a good thing her bed is so big. Scarlett was moved to the corner of the bed, so she was completely surrounded by pillows. I laid down next to her, with Dalton by her feet, Clayton next to me, and Drew at the bottom of the bed, near Dalton. It was nice to be together with everyone for a night. 

Drew and Dalton were cuddling, while Clayton slept with a pillow between me and him. Rude. Maybe I wanted to cuddle with him. I moved his pillow and we cuddled. I felt bad that Scarlett didn't have anyone, but then again... It's okay. She's got all these pillows. And whenever we have band sleepovers, we cuddle with each other. That's just what we do. It's not changing because Clay got a sister.

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