Late Nites and Fights

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Clayton's POV

“So, are you guys like.. a couple?” Nixon asked. Scar sat straight up, looking over at me. Brady put his arm around her, pulling her close. “I don’t know, depends on your answer.” Brady said to Scarlett. He better not do what I think he’s going to do. “Will you be my girlfriend?” She bit her lip and looked over at me. I was furious. “Y-yes.” She smiled, hugging him. I couldn’t take it anymore. I left the room and punched the wall. It only really did damage to my hand, but who cares. I turned around to see Brady standing by the door. "Don't talk to me." I mumbled, walking to the exit. How did such a great surprise turn into this?

"Listen, dude!" 

"No! I told you nobody in the band can date her. You can't do this. You guys need to break up." I yelled, not thinking first. I don't care. I meant every word. "I'm not breaking up with her. I love her. I don't care if you don't want us to be together, but we're together now. I don't care if you like it or not. It's not your life." He yelled back. His face was turning red. Maybe he actually cared about her. No. I won't let this happen. I know him. He'll just end up hurting her. "She's my little sister. I'm not going to let you hurt her." 

"She's not your biological sister, dumbass. She can date me if she wants." I was hurt. I knew she wasn't my biological sister, but it felt like she was. I knew so much about her, she knew everything about me. I don't want her getting hurt. Before thinking about it, my fist hit his jaw. He stumbled back, holding his face. "I'm not going to fight you, man." 

"Don't be such a pussy." I hit him again, and again, and again before someone came outside. "What the hell are you doing?!" It was Dalton. Thank god it wasn't Scarlett. I don't know what I would do if she saw this. He dragged Brady away from me and sat him down by the building before coming back to me. "You can't do that. Clearly he loves Scarlett. We all do, and we all want her to be happy. Don't you want her to be happy? I don't care if she dates someone in the band, and she's like a little sister to me, too." At this point I was holding back tears. "Stop." I mumbled, trying to walk away from him. "No." He grabbed my wrist, looking straight into my eyes. "Leave them alone. Let them be happy. If they break up, they break up. But they're together now, and you can clearly see how happy he makes her." I sighed, knowing he was right. I walked over to Brady. "Sorry, man. I just don't want her getting hurt. If you do hurt her, I will cut your dick off. Got it?" I raised an eyebrow at him, he just smiled. "Got it." He hugged me so we went back inside to clean him up, but that's when Scarlett and everyone else came out.

Scarlett's POV

Dalton went outside a while ago to see what was going on with Clayton and Brady, leaving me and Drew with the Framing Hanley guys. "Hey, shouldn't you be in school?" Luke asked. "Yeah, but I didn't feel like going." I mumbled, resting my head on Drew's shoulder. "Skipping school to hang out with a band?" Nixon raised an eyebrow at me. "Actually, skipping school to hang out with two bands. These guys that I came here with are in a band." I nodded, agreeing with myself. "WE'RE WHAT?!" Drew yelled, making me jump a bit. "Oh my gosh I wasn't supposed to tell you. Too late now. You're in a band. I'm so sorry to break the news to you like this." I started to fake cry along with Drew but we started laughing, ruining it. 

"You guys are funny. Let's go get some food." Nixon said, helping me up. He was a great guy. Too bad I'm never going to be able to hang out with him again. "How long are you guys in town?" I asked, walking down the hall back towards the car. "Two days. It sucks, I know. We leave Saturday morning." I sighed, watching where I was going since I'm so clumsy. "That really sucks." I mumbled, heading out the door when I saw Clayton, Dalton, and Brady coming in. "Brady! What happened?!" I ran over to him, examining his face. "I- uh.." He was about to lie to me, so I looked over at Dalton and Clayton. "We got in a bit of a fight." Clayton sighed. I knew something like this would hapen. "Brady, is this true?" He just nodded. I sighed, bringing him inside to get him cleaned up. "We'll meet you at..." I trailed off, thinking of a place to meet up. "McDonalds?" Nixon suggested. "Yeah, sure. We'll be there in about an hour." He smiled as I hugged him and everyone else. "See you there." He ruffled my hair and walked off. 

"I'm so sorry, Brady. I had no idea he would do this." I could feel myself starting to cry. "Don't be sorry. All  you did was make yourself happy. Clayton and I are fine now." I smiled washing the blood off of his face. "Just... one question... how the hell is he not beat up? You look like crap, and he looks just fine." I laughed a bit, expecting him to say that he wasn't good at fighting, but his response shocked me. "I didn't hit him back." I stopped cleaning his face and backed up a bit. "Why not?" I asked, cleaning blood out of his hair. "I love him too much. He's like a brother to me. We get in petty fights, but I'll never hurt him on purpose. I understand why he did this, though. If someone in the band ever wanted to go out with Lilly, even if it was legal, I would have done the same thing." I smiled, hugging him. "You're a good kid, Brady." I laughed and finished cleaning him up. "Alright, let's go get some food with your favorite band." I smiled and jumped around excitedly. "Oh my gosh, first, I need to fangirl! I'M HANGING OUT WITH FRAMING FUCKING HANLEY! HOLY FUCK! THIS IS AMAZING! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! I'M DYING! Okay, let's go." I grabbed his hand and walked out the door. He was chuckling, shaking his head. "Shut up, I needed to get that out of my system." I laughed, getting into the car. "To Micky D's!" I pointed forward as he began to drive off. 

~~After the concert~~

 "The show was amazing!" I smiled hugging all the guys in the band. "But alas, it's time for us to go. I'll go sleep and never wake up because nothing can be nearly as amazing as tonight, and everything will just be a disappointment." I sighed dramatically and plopped on the sofa. 

"Well.. we could continue a friendship after tonight, if that's okay with the boy over here.." Nixon looked over at Brady then back at me. "Just don't fuck her, and we're good." Brady laughed, putting his arm around me. "Don't worry about that. She's too young for me anyway." He smiled, handing me a piece of paper with a number and what seemed to be a username on it. "What's this?" 

"My number and skype." He smiled, grabbing a beer. "Oh. Okay." I shrugged, putting the paper in my pocket. "We should go. I have school tomorrow." I sighed, getting up. "It was nice meeting you guys. We'll have to hang out next time y'all are in town." I smiled, hugging everyone before the guys and I left. 

"Nixon soo has a thing for you, girl." Drew hugged me, jumping on my back. "First, get off. Second, he's too old for me. And third, I have Brady. So I really don't care." I smiled, hugging Brady as Drew jumped off of me.

"Let's get you home. You seem really tired." Clayton grabbed my hand, leading me back to the car. "Thank you so much for bringing me here, Clay. It really means the world to me. How did you know I liked this band?" I hadn't thought of that with all the excitement of being here. I had only showed Brady that I liked the band. "Well, I went through your itunes and looked at your most played songs, and the top ten were all from this band. So we got tickets." I smiled at how sneaky the boys were. They were the best though.

We got home and I went straight to bed after adding Nixon on Skype. 

"Tonight was fun. Hope to see you soon! xx" I hit send and went off to bed.


I'm so sorry for the wait, and the crappy chapter. But things are going to pick up soon. Don't worry <3

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