Part 13: Gwen

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Gwen: The Servant Girl


Arthur is obviously not happy when Merlin arrives in the tent with a strange woman. She is very beautiful and catch's the eye of every man in the tent. Even I am taken aback with her almost flawless skin, light blond hair, and pale blue eyes. As I look at her more closely, I cannot help but notice how much she resembles Prince Arthur. My thoughts shift and I now begin to think of his stunningly handsome visage and muscular body. I take my eyes off the woman as Arthur begins to speak with her. He is being very polite despite his harsh tone with Merlin.

His words begin to blend together as I continue to stare at the prince. It behooves me how he can be so mean and arrogant at times and then turn around and act like a gentleman. If only he would be more like this with me. I sigh and barely hear Arthur mention me. I see his eyes lock on mine and I stiffen, not sure what he wants. I sneak a glance at Merlin and he nods his head at the woman and mouths something. Suddenly it hits me, Arthur wants me to attend to the lady.

I force a smile and say, "Oh yes, of course." I walk past the men towards the woman. "Come, I will show you around. Camelot is always nice this time of year." The sun is now hot and nearly blinds me. Back in the tent, I hear Arthur scold Merlin once more. We make our way past the tents and into the village. It is not as crowded as before since majority of the people are watching the tournament. The noise of clashing wood and metal ring in the distance, the shouts of the crowd nearly overpowering the jousting. The woman is beside me looking at the various shops and houses.

"How long will you be staying in Camelot?" I ask realizing that I do not know her name. Before she answers my first question, I add, "What is your name? I am Guinevere, but you can call me Gwen." I see her smile warmly at me and I have a feeling that we will get along just fine.

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