Part 22: Adelena

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Adelena: The Humble Jewel


Merlin grabbed my hand and drug me in through the tent to where Prince Arthur was finally relaxing. I tried to stop him, but before I knew it I was standing before my older brother. I didn't know what to do. Should I bow or should I just start talking? I bowed. "First, I want to say that it is an honor that you would hear me out, but please, understand this may come as a shocker to you."

I stand up straight and tall. I feel my nervous growing and realize I am still holding Merlin's hand. I blush and let go then face Arthur. "You should know this though. It's your right to know. My mother she has... she died. And well, now I am here. I was hoping to speak with Uther, I mean King Uther first, but Merlin insisted that I tell you right away. It was an accident really." I realized that I kept babbling about stupid stuff. My words probably didn't make much sense.

"Arthur, I am your sister. My name is Adelena Pendragon and I am your father's daughter." I was scared of Arthur's reaction. What if he didn't believe me? What if I got into trouble? Of course, Uther would know. He would know who I was the minute he saw me. How could he deny who I was? Mother always said when she was gone that I was to come straight to the palace. A king cannot deny his own flesh and blood.

I looked up at Arthur fear was displayed all around my face and I looked at Merlin for guidance, not that it could help me much. "Please, Arthur. Look at me. Do we not look that same?" I reached out for his hand, but then drew back for fear he would pull away. I wondered how he was feeling about this. "Please, know I came here meaning no harm. It's just I had no where else to go. Mother always told me when she was gone that I should seek help from father, our father, the king!" I looked into his eyes distressed.

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