Part 40: Prince Arthur

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Prince Arthur: The Noble Stud


I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms. "Don't be silly, Guinevere. If Morgana needed you for anything she would have said such when she brought Olivia. You do not have to go. That is if you do not want to. Stay and get to know Lady Adelena with us." I looked into her eyes as I grabbed her hand. I did not want her to go as was the usual. If I could I would have her stay with me always. I looked her in the eyes and they said all that I needed to know. I reluctantly released her arm from my hand and watched as she walked back out of the room.

I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. Now all that was left there was Merlin and Olivia and then I would be alone with my sister. My sister? My God, that was such a strange thing to say! I looked at her and wondered about all the times we may have missed together as siblings. Too many to even count. That is when I got an idea. Morgana was taught how to wield a sword. "How would you like to train with me? It would give us a chance to spend some quality time together and Morgana knows how to fight so why shouldn't you?" I smiled and opened my arms out as if it was a great idea.

I glanced over at Merlin who was smirking. I narrowed my eyes together and smacked him in the back of the head. Wiped the grin of his face, I did. I looked to Adelena. "What do you say, sister?" She smiled and nodded her head. "Great, tomorrow then. I will send Merlin to fetch you in the morning. In the meantime perhaps you and your new servant should go shopping. I am sure father would have no problem in putting in the money for you to have some finer clothing."

She nodded and I smiled. "Well, come on Merlin. I have much for you to do. You will clean my room, do my laundry, polish my armor, and this time don't forget the boots or you will be cleaning them with your tongue." I grabbed Merlin by the shoulders and exited Adelena's room. I was having so many mixed feelings about all this I needed the time to relax and take it all in.

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