And You Are... | Finn Harries/Jack Harries Fan Fiction (Chapter 2)

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Finn's P.O.V

I rolled over to find i was still on the couch. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock on the wall it was getting late. I got up and walked into the bedroom to find it empty too "BLAKE?" i shouted into the empty apartment. "BLAKE!" i shouted again, she must still be at the office. I grabbed my keys and raced out the door to find it was still raining. I got in my car and drove over to her office building and ran inside.

I saw the security guard at the front sitting there "Um hello have you seen my girlfriend Blake?" He nodded "She was here hours ago, but she quit and left." Then it hit me, she called me from the car. I dashed out of the building and into my car again. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number, nothing. I kept calling and calling and with every missed call i could only think the worse. Then i hung up for fourth time and i felt my phone vibrate.

"Hello?" I said due to the unknown number. "Hello! is this Finn Harries?" I said with my mouth going dry. "I'm sorry to inform you but Blake Hale had been in an accident." It was like everything was in slow motion as my Vinson started to slow. I dropped the phone and drove string to the hospital. I ran but it felt more like i was walking on some sort of cloud. I pushed the door open and ran to the nurse "My girlfriend is here, she been in an accident, i need to see her!" I piratically shouted. "I need a name." she said only causing me to cry. "My girlfriend Blake Hale has been in a accident, i need to see her now."

I closed my eyes and the nurse lead me down the halls. We stopped walking and i uncover my eyes and looked at her. "Is that her?" She asked pointing to a huge window, with my Blake inside. I nodded and she patted me on the back "You can go in if you like." then she walked away. I ran my fingers though my hair and just stood there. If i didn't know her i wouldn't have recognized her. She was just laying there, something she didn't even do in her sleep.

I walked over to the door and placed my hand on the knob. I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened the door and barley stepped in and i looked at her. She was just laying there piratically lifeless. I walked forward till i was at her bedside. I watched as her chest rose and fell signaling she was still alive. I hated seeing her like this. She had all of these machines hooked up to her, two cuts on her face, and she was still. She was never still, even in her sleep she rolled around in my arms.

Then i watched as my tear hit her arm and i quickly wiped it off. Then i felt a flood of tears reach the brim of my eyes and i couldn't hold back. I started sobbing quietly "I love you." was the only thing i could mutter. I walked over to the chairs and pulled one over to the side of her bed. I sat down and took one of her small hands in mine and i kissed it. I sat there holding her hand crying for hours.

Then i felt her hand start to move a little "Blake?" and her hand movements became more prominent. Then i watched as her grey eyes fluttered open and her small hand escaped my lager ones. She first looked down at herself then she looked at me without speaking. I stood and i rubbed my thumb along her jaw line. "Blake i missed you so much! I know i shouldn't have let you go to work when the whether was that bad. Don't ever scar me like this again, i love you too much!"

She smiled and looked into my eyes. "Thank you that's so kind." I smiled and went in to kiss her but she moved away. I gave her a strange look which she returned. "Whats wrong are you hurting?" She shook her head no. "Blake baby whats wrong?" i asked now in a slight panic. The the door behind us swung open and i looked at the Doctor who walked in "She has memory loss.". I looked back at Blake who look frightened then back at the Doctor "Hello I'm doctor Kelm." He said shaking my hand then Blake's hand.

Then i looked back at Blake who was looking at me "And you are...". I shook my head and looked down at her "I'm Finn your boyfriend, why doesn't she know that?" i looked back at the doctor. "I told you she has memory loss. Whats the last thing you remember Miss.Hale?" She looked at the ceiling and i could see in her eyes she was scared "I remember hugging my mom at graduation because i had to rush home and edit the footage." 

I remember that was the video i saw of her. Then the realization washed over me, She didn't remember me. 

And You Are... | Finn Harries/Jack Harries Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now