And You Are... | Finn Harries/Jack Harries Fan Fiction (Chapter 17)

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It has been a week since i got my stuff from Finns house, and i was happy. Jack was...alright to say the most. But i had now come to terms with the fact i missed Finn. It was stupid and i hated myself for still...loving him. Yep i said it love full blow, diving into the deep in, madly in love! And i was starting to get depressed over it. I knew now that i was leading Jack on and it was so wrong.

Also my head thing is getting worse. It happens about three to FIVE times a day. But the image in my mind slowly get's more audible and less blurry. I still couldn't make out who it was or what was happening, but i was going to get it, soon. But what if this kept happening and i never get the picture? Ugh i cant think like this!

I was brought out of my thoughts by Jack walking in and sitting on the couch with me. He pulled me in so my head was on his shoulder and he ran his fingertip along my arm. There was something off about this. Jack wasn't the random cuddlier, i was. I lifted my self off of him creating some distance "Alright whats up?" i ask annoyed. He let out a sigh " and boys are going out tonight".

"This is the third night in a row!" I said standing up from the couch. I started to walk away but hr grabbed my hand "Do you want to come?". I hadn't been out before, or at least that i can remember. "I don't know.." I said trailing my sentence. He stood up and placed his hands on my hips. He leaned in so our lips grazed each other "It'll be fun".

I felt a lump in my throat as he started to lightly peck my bottom lip. I placed one of my hands on the nape of his neck to play with hair there. "I guess it could be fun" i said with my eyes peering up into his. His pressed his lips to mine and kissed me long and slow feeling chills over my body. We pulled apart both panting for air "So it's settled". I nodded and he pecked lips one more time then left the room.

I waited gathering my thoughts of what just happened. "Crap" i said out loud annoyed at what just happened. I walked back to the bedroom and looked at my clothes. I had one short black dress, it looked alright. I laid it on the bed and looked thought my shoe collection and found black pumps then I sorted out my hair.

After that was done i deiced to have a lazy day. I went on twitter and had a Q and A for a while. Watched some movie on cable and played video games for a while. Then i looked at the clock to see it was getting close to time. Then like he knew what i was thinking i heard jack yell "GET DRESSED SO WE CAN LEAVE SOON LOVE!".

I let out a long sigh and started to get ready. I put on my dress, heels, and did my hair. Then the door bell ran "CAN YOU GET THAT!" jack yelled from the bathroom. I groaned and with the clicks of my heels walked to the door. I opened it to see Finn holding a box "Um you left this stuff" i nodded and moved so he could come in. I walked him into the living room and he sat it on the coffee table and looked at me.

"You looked beautiful" he said with a smile. I nodded "Thank you" and i smiled. "I remember when we shopped for that dress" i shook my head "Finn don't" i said looking at the ground. "Oh um I'm sorry" he said walking over to me and i looked up and i knew my eyes were probably glossed over with tears. "I think it's best if you go" he nodded but then hugged me tight.

I didn't object i just hugged him back. He was so warm and his arms felt like home. But then thoughts of jack flooded my mind and i pulled away. "I'm sorry. You need to go" i said walking over and opening the door. I closed my eyes and heard his foot steps walk out of the house. I shut the door and looked up to see Jack.

"You ok?" i nodded "YEA! Finn just dropped off the last box of my stuff. He nodded "Alright. Um give me a few and we can go" i nodded. I walked into the living room and looked in the box. It was full of things that i didn't reorganize, expect one. I only knew what it was because it was a picture. It was Finn and I lady and tramping some spaghetti. I laughed then i noticed a tear drop hit the glass of the picture frame.

I shook it off and put it back in the box. "Ready?" i turned to see Jack in a white button up and black jeans, he looked amazing "Um yea" i said walking over to hims and lacing our hands. We walked out and the there was now a slight chill and clouds in the air. They were black and looked to burst at any second. I got in and we drove to the club.

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