And You Are... | Finn Harries/Jack Harries Fan Fiction (Chapter 16)

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I woke and rolled over, falling off the bed onto the soft carpet. I quickly sat up and looked around to see nobody in the room. Then i heard loud thumps coming towards the room then the door swung open. "You alright?"  Jack said sounding alarmed. I looked around the room still in a confused sleepy haze "Um... yea... im fine". My eyes were still hooded and i could feel my back start to ache. He walked around to my said of the bed and helped my back in. I smiled up at him "Thank you" he nodded in response.

"Do you need anything?" Jack asked still worried and i shook my head. I looked out the window and a bright light shined in, then i felt that pain again in the back of my head. It was more intense now bringing me quickly to tears and blurring my vision. I yelled out in pain gripping the back of my head. Jack was quickly was by my said but not knowing of what happening. "JACK IT HURTS!" i yelled and he quickly pulled me into his arms. It was a few more seconds and it went away.

I was still breathing heavy and i was holding onto Jack. "What's going on?" he asked and i shrugged. I didn't even know what was going on at this point. "Maybe we shouldn't go to Finn's today" i shook my head "I need to get my things and move on". Jack nodded "But if this happens we leave" i looked up and nodded and he kissed my forehead.

He left the room and i got dressed. I walked out to the smell of eggs, is that all he knows how to cook? I walked into the kitchen and found him just finished setting the table. There were two plates with eggs and toast. I smiled and sat down "You know you don't have to" he shrugged "I want to show you how much i love you" I smiled and mouthed thank you.

While i was rating i was pondering over the thought of loving Jack. Of course i wanted to love him so bad, but i don't know if could. I could say all day i hated Finn but i still loved him. I hated to think i was leading Jack on by giving him hope. But was i leading him on if i had hope to love him too, eventually

I was brought out of my thoughts by Jack sitting a mug of OJ on the table in front of me then took his seat. "What are you thinking about?" he asked with curious green eyes and a smile. I couldn't actually tell him what i was thinking, it would crush him. "How amazing you are!" his face turned red and he started to eat. I laughed at him and started to eat as well.

We finished the surprisingly good eggs ans slightly burnt toast and Jack grabbed his keys. "Lets go get your stuff" he said throwing his arm over signaling for me to come. I hesitantly stood and walked over to the door. I placed my hand on door knob and Jack placed his hand on mine. He was behind me and i could feel his breath sweep across my neck. "I'm here for you" he said placing a delicate kiss on my neck. I blushed and walked out the door.

The drive was soundless it seemed. My mind was going a thousands mile a minute the whole drive. I could feel myself shaking and my heart felt heavy. It was beating so hard i thought it would pop out of my chest. Jack placed his hand on my knee trying to comfort me, it didn't help. We pulled into the driveway and Jack reached for his door "I need to do this alone". He searched my eye for conformation of my words and he nodded.

I stepped out of the car and walked up to the door. I knock on the door and it felt like my stomach was going to come out my mouth. The door slowly crept open and he rested his forearm on the door frame looking at me. I waved my hand "Um i came to get my things" I said then looked at the ground. He didn't respond so i looked up to see him glaring at Jack. I grabbed the hand that was by his waist "Don't make this harder than it has to be" i begged.

He took his bottom lips between his teeth and moved so i could come in. I walked to the bedroom and started pulling my things out. I started to throw my shirts on the bed and looked over my shoulder. Finn was standing in the door way just watching. "Can i help you?" i said turning my full attention towards him. "Why are you doing this?" he said obviously angry "I don't want to argue with you" i said going back to my cloths.

Finn walked over and grabbed my forearm making me look at him. "Why are you doing this?" his tone louder than before. I could feel anger start to flood my veins "You left" i said trying to wiggle out of his grip. "I had to" he said with a crack in his voice "NO YOU DIDN'T YOU CHOSE TO!" i shouted. He let go of me but stood his ground "I COULDN'T JUST SIT THERE!" anger was now present in his eyes as the vain pooped out of his neck with every word.

"NO! YOU TOLD ME YOU WOULD STAY! AND YOU LEFT! I DEPENDED ON YOU!" i shouted stepping towards him. "SO I'M SUPPOSE TO SIT THERE WHILE YOU SWAP SIP WITH MY BROTHER?" He said now red faced and in my face. Tears threaded my eyes but i pushed it back "I CANT HELP THESE FEELING FINN!" i shouted pushing him back. "NO YOUR SELFISH!" I shook my head and walked back to the closet pulling things out and just throwing them. 

"ALL I DID WAS LOVE YOU AND YOU GO AND SLEEP WITH MY BROTHER!" i turned around "I didn't  sleep with him" i growled "HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW?". I grabbed all my things in my arms "I WISH I COULD FORGET YOU AGAIN!" i shouted so loud it hurt. I walked over to the door and saw the bright sun shining in from the glass in the middle of the door.

Then i felt that pain in the back of head and dropped everything on the floor. Then i fell to the floor and started to scream as loud as i could. I felt a buzzing in my ears but it soon changed and i could hear the faint sound of water splashing about. I could see faint lights and i think i was in a boat. 

But it all stopped and the pain and buzzing came back. Then the pain went away and i could Finn's mixed cry and screaming.We were both on the ground and I grabbed onto him and pulled him close to me. My breathing was heavy and my eyes hurt. "Are you ok?" Finn shouted holding me tight. I couldn't help but start to cry due how scared i was.  "whats going on" Finn said prying me off of him and looked into my eyes.

I felt all my anger rekindle and i could feel the hate in me. "Don't worry you'll just leave again" i said standing up and wiping the tears from my face. I collected all my things off of the floor and looked down at him "Bye Finn". I walked out to see Jack in the car and he waved at me. Then i felt a hand on my arm and spin me around "I know you hate me, but you need me call me" he said. I shook my head "I don't need you" and jerked my arm out of his grip.

I put my stuff in the back and got in the car. Finn was still standing there looking intently at me. "Don't worry about him" Jack said trying to comfort me, it wasn't working. I still felt like shit even though i still felt i was right. Something wasn't right and i could feel it and so could my head.

And You Are... | Finn Harries/Jack Harries Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now