Crazy Day

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Jaylen's Pov

I pulled up in front of his house.

"Isn't that your car"i asked turning off the car

"Ummm yea Tyga probably here"we walked up to the door and he put his key in.

When we walked in the house it seemed empty.His crib was tight as fuck and big as hell and he lived by his self,he moved out his moma house because he didnt like her boyfriend so she agreed to pay his rent until he graduate.

"You can sit right there im gonna go take a quick shower"he said,i sat down on the couch and played with my phone.I heard a door open and looked up.I saw Tyga in just his draws.

"Hey TT"I called him that cuz his skin was full of tats and it stands for tatted Tyga.He looked at me and smiled

"Aw whats up JC"he walked over and gave me a hug

"So what yall do last night"i asked sitting back down

"Shit just went to the show"he stretched and sat next to me

"Aw thats cool"

"What you doin here"He asked

"Aw i came to drop Chris off but we gonna get something to eat,you wanna come"

"Nah im good"

"What you doin here"i asked

"Aw i was too tired to drive home so i just crashed here"

"Aw i see"he laughed

"Well im bout to take my ass right back to sleep,see ya later JC"

"Aight Tt"he went back in the room

Chris was taking to long and i was hungry as hell so i walked upstairs to see what took him so long.This nigga had nerve to be sleep with his towel around his waist.I walked over to him and tried to wake him up.

"Breezy"i shook him

"What man"he said with his eyes closed

"Wake up"he went back to sleep.I climbed in top of him and kissed his cheek

"You gotta wake up papi"he opened his eyes smiling and put his hands on my ass

"I'm woke"I laughed 

"Well good,get dressed so we can go I'm hungry"i hopped off him

"Damn Jay why you gotta do me like dat"

"Love you 2 now hurry yo ass up"i closed the door behind me and went back downstairs and sat on the couch

He came downstairs fully dressed.

"Im ready"i stood up

"Ok you drive,cuz im tired as hell"i threw him the keys

We went to Olive Garden and i sat across from him.The waitress came up to our table.

"Hi im Jessica and i will be waiting on you guys ,Can I start with your drinks?"She said smiling

"Ok,And we already know what we want so I want the cheese stuffed ravioli with the parmesan chicken"I said looking at the menu

"And what will you be having handsome"Chris smiled 

"I want the regular chicken alfredo with extra broccoli"she wrote on her note pad

"Ok and what drinks"

"I will have Strawberry lemonade"i said

"And I will have ice tea"Chris said smiling

"Ok i will be back with your food"she walked off

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