Shit Just Got Real

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Jaylen's Pov

I woke up the next morning at 10,washed my face and brushed my teeth.I went downstairs in the kitchen where my mom was cooking breakfast.I sat at the island  counter.

"Hey ma"

"Aw hey Jaylen,you hungry"

"Yea i am"she fixed me a plate and put it in front of me

"Thank you"i start eating when i heard my mom's bedroom door open.

A dark skin man came into the kitchen with his shirt off and walked over to my mom and gave her a kiss.

"Good morning baby"I looked at her

"Hey sleepy head"she said smiling,I cleared my throat

"Oh Jaylen this is Charles my friend from work,Charles this is my daughter Jaylen"

"Nice to meet you miss Jaylen"i looked at my mom ignoring him and got up to go to my room.A few minutes after she came in.

"Why do you have to be so rude"She asked in her calm tone

"Why couldn't you tell me about yo lil friend"I asked instead of answering

"Look I'm sorry but-"

"He is the reason why you was working late huh"

"Jaylen i have a life too,You're not a little girl anymore so you don't have to be rude or disrespectful because things not going your way"She said

"I know but you still could have told me"she sighed

"Im sorry,I am but he wasn't that important at the time to tell you about him,And don't give me that because I know you been having you're friends whom I have yet to meet over besides Akeeya"I sighed

"I'm sorry too,I just don't like surprises then he comes out of you're room like its his house,I mean no shirt on mom really?"I said

"I'll talk to him about that,He just really wanted to meet you so things won't be awkward next time he comes around"I just shook my head

"I'ts fine now I guess"I said getting up,i went into my bathroom and slammed the door.

I sat in the shower and for almost an hour.When i got out i put on dark blue ripped skinny jeans,my white button down shirt,and my blue and white adidas.I blow dried my hair and flat ironed it.

I sat on the bed and called Chris.

"Yo wats gud Jay"

"Hey breezy,im on my way there ok"he paused for a moment

"Ohhhkay but wats wrong"He asked concerned

"I'll tell you when i get there"I said

"Aight"he hung up

I grabbed my dark blue shoulder bag,put my blunts,phone,charger and some extra clothes and shit in there and went downstairs.I saw her and dude sitting on the couch watching tv,i walked to the door.

"Where you goin"she asked

"Im goin to spend the night at Akeeya house"

"I thought we were hanging out today"

"You have company,see you tomorrow"i closed the door behind me

When i got to Chris house this nigga was sitting on the porch eating some cereal.

"Why the hell you outside" i sat next to him

"Its feel good as hell out here,but what happen"he got up and we walked in the house

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