Its All On Me Pt 1

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Chris Pov

Jaylen never stopped looking at Cinthia,She walked over to her and sat down.

"What you doin here"Cinthia looked at her

"I just came to wish Chris a happy birthday and give him a little present"She said smiling all evil,I looked at her

"What present"I said curious,She reached in her purse and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Jay

"What the hell is this"She said looking at it

"Just read it"She said smiling,Jay read it under her breathe then looked at me

"What is it"I asked

"Its the DNA results and it says the baby is yours"i snatched the paper from her

"how the fuck did you get my DNA"I asked

"Don't worry about it but I will be bringing the baby soon"She said walking towards the door,Jay was about to stand up but I shook my head no at her.

Cinthia looked back and kept walking and closed the door behind her I waited until I heard a car drive off.

"I cant believe this shit,i took her word and felt sorry for her ass"She said pushing me to the side

"Its ok,I should have seen this coming"i said walking up to her

"No I befriend her and felt bad,I get that it was a possibility a s shit but for her to get a DNA test without you is just crazy to me"She went upstairs and I followed

"Jay calm down"She started packing her stuff

"Stop,what are you doin"i said stopping her

"No Chris im goin home"I pulled her bag off the bed

"No you not,just calm the fuck down so we can talk about it baby"She tried to reach for it

"Chris I just wanna go home ok"She sighed,i dropped the bag and grabbed her by her waist pulling her to me

"Jaylen,we can handle this in a better way just don't leave me right now"I said

"Fine,I just want all the bullshit to be over in our lives together,it's like shit keep happening back to back and I can't do shit but watch it get worse"She said

I agreed with her.

I took the letter Cinthia gave to Jay and sat on the couch to read it. I know I'm not an expert but I know the bitch can't get a DNA test without my my DNA.

Jaylen's Pov

I woke up and went to the bathroom washed my face and brushed my teeth.When I went downstairs Chris was on the couch sleep,I sat on his lap and layed my head on his chest and I felt him wrap his arms around me.

"Did you sleep good ma"He said in a sleepy voice

"Not really but it was ok"i looked at the paper on the table and picked it up

"I guess I have to get ready to be a father man"I slowly nodded agreeing as I read it

I noticed the paper didn't have the address or name of the doctor on the paper,In fact there wasn't even a phone number to call,It's basically like someone typed it up and made it themselves.

"Chris something aint right about this paper"I said looking at him

"Yea I tried to figure it out but it don't even matter"

"No its like somebody wrote this paper themselves and plus the doctor always signs it"He took it and looked at it

"Yea you right"

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