I Didnt See This Coming Pt1

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Jaylen's Pov

"Get the fuck out now"I yelled as I begin to call Chris phone,He made his way over to me and pushed me on the bed making the phone fall but I picked it up and as soon as Chris said hello he slapped me and the phone fell on the floor making it almost fall into pieces.

"Shut the fuck up,Its only 2 ways to do this,the easy way or the hard way and I know for a fact you don't want the hard way"As he spoke I smelled alcohol on his breathe and sweat ran down his face.He began taking my shorts off and trying to kiss me,I start pushing him off me but he too was heavy.I couldn't do anything but cry and try mu best to fight him off,I kicked him in his balls and tried to run to the door but he grabbed my ponytail and swung me back on the bed.

"See you chose the hard way"He said,By the look on his face he was enjoying every minute of this fight,He started to get even more excited as I fought back

He tried to punched me dead in the face but I dodged it making him even mad,I cried even louder as he tried to take of my pants and rape me all I could think about was Chris and my mom,i prayed my mom came home early or Chris was on his way here,Something inside of me just wouldn't let this happen again and all of a sudden I just punched him in the face and I didn't stop until he was off me.

When I was able to get up I ran and I grabbed the keys to my moms car,got my phone pieces off the floor and ran out my room door,I could tell he was behind me and I wasn't about to look.I got in the car and just drove,i didn't know where the fuck I was goin but all in knew was that I had to get the fuck out of there.I pulled up in front of a park and just cried until I couldn't anymore which made me have a anxiety attack until I slowly dozed off.

It felt like I was sleep for hours but when I finally woke up It was getting dark and I was still at the park,i felt pain in my face,hand and my head.I worked up the courage to go back home because I left everything and couldn't do shit with my phone.I pulled up in front of the house and his car was gone,i took the bat from the trunk and walked into the house,i searched everywhere and he wasn't there,as I walked in my room I saw

I couldn't believe this shit ,I didn't know what to do who to tell or how was I gonna get out of this.I couldn't stop crying.How can this shit happen to me all over again,what did I do to deserve this shit but one thing I do know is I have to tell Chris about this because I don't know how to explain this bruise on my face to him.

I got in the shower and cried hard to the point where my head start hurting again.When I got out I put on my gray jogging suit with my pink and gray 13's and packed a lot of my shit. I was not gonna stay in this fucking house no more as long as he was here with my mom.

I messaged Alonna from my laptop and told her to come and get me because I was shaking way too much to even drive.

When we got in her house Chris and Tyga was there and she didn't tell me they were.

"Babe what you doin here"Chris said walking to me,I made sure I covered my face so he won't see the bruise

"She came to spend the night with me"Alonna said quickly and grabbed my arm leading me to her room.She closed the door and I sat on the bed.

"Jay whats goin on"She said touching my face,i winced 

"Hold on let me get something to clean that up"She went to the bathroom and came back with a towel and peroxide.

"Now tell me what the fuck happened"She said whipping my face,i took a deep breathe

"Ok but promise you wont tell Chris or any fucking body"She sighed

"You know I wont,now tell me"

"Charles tried to rape me"I said and I felt tears coming from my eyes,She stopped whipping my face and looked at me

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