Better Much

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Jays Pov
A month later

"Chris are you hungry"i yelled to the living room to Chris

"Nah"he yelled back,i sighed

Every since Chris got from the hospital he been a pain in the ass and depressed because he can't move around like he want to.

I can understand the frustration because he's use to doing shit himself  but the nigga don't appreciate shit anyone does especially me. I literally turned down 2 jobs just so I can be home more to take care of him.

I went in the living room where he was playing the game.

"I made you a sandwich,you want something to drink?"I said sitting the sandwich in front of him

"Can you please leave me alone man,I told you I'm not hungry"he yelled,I sighed

"Fine Chris,eat it ,don't eat it I don't even give a fuck anymore"I said putting my hands up

I went upstairs and tried to take a nap, but as always he was being loud as fuck on the game. The doctor told me he should be walking more around this time but his ass just been lazy and this is a lot of work because he's stubborn as fuck.

"Jay"i heard him yell

"What is it now"i got up and went in the living room

"I wanna take a shower"i sighed

"Chris you can do it yourself"he looked at me

"if it wasn't for yo ass u wouldn't be on these fuckin crutches and i wouldn't even need you fucking help with shit"I rolled my eyes

Even though this not the first time he said that but every time he do it hurts more because I really am trying.

"Fine"i said low,i helped him up and to the bathroom

After helping him to the bathroom i went in the room and just took a moment to myself before laying back down. I can say I'm so happy Mama J is coming to take care of him for a few days because i have to go to a few job interviews this week and I'm not missing out on them.

I have to do something to get out the house a few hours out the day because i can't just sit around here and do nothing, it's not me.

Chris calling my name broke my thoughts.

"Jay,You cooking tonight"he said coming in the doorway,i looked at him

"Chris you told me you wasn't hungry,I still gave you a fucking sandwhich"I said

"You act like that was a while meal"He hopped over with his crutches and he sat on the bed

"What you waiting for"he said,now i was fed up

"Look just because yo ass is crippled temporarily don't mean you can act like an ass, I'm sick of this shit yo i know it's my fault but the shit you say Chris can really hurt all while I'm doing any and everything for you,I don't even get a thank you, get yo own fucking food I'm goin out"i grabbed my phone jacket and keys and went out the door.

I'm not about to put up with his bitching right now.

Chris Pov

I wasn't expecting her to go off on me like that but not gonna lie I liked it. I do appreciate Jaylen but being stuck in the house or having to have mfs help me around fucks with me because it's not what I'm use to and they all know that.

I can see how hard I been making it for her but I didn't realize how much it really fucked with her. I can't lie and say I didn't blame her because I did,and I kind of still do because the only reason I left the house was for her.

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