Jealousy Brings Us Together

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Jaylen's Pov

I left the next morning at 9 without sayin a word to him.When i got home i took a shower and put on my gray sweats and a shirt,put my hair in a pony tail.

I went to the kitchen to fix me something to eat when i saw Charles cooking.I went in the refrigerator to get some orange juice.

"Aw hey ms.Jaylen"he turned to me as i sat at the counter and fixed me some cereal

"Hey"i didnt look at him,i fixed my cereal and was about to walk back to my room when he walked towards me

"What are you doin"I asked

"I wanna talk to you for you for a minute"He said

"About what"

"Im gonna be your new dad so -"i cut him off

"Look i dont care who the fuck you are but i only have one dad and you aint him so save yo lil speech"i went to my room and sat on the bed.

Here we go with this shit again.

Chris Pov

I woke up in the other room and went upstairs.I guess Jay left this morning because her and all her shit was gone.I took a shower and put on my sweats and left my shirt off.

I fixed me some cereal and and sat on the couch.Tyga came in.

"Whats up bro"i dapped him and he sat next to me

"Nun just chillin,What you still. doin here"i sat the bowl on the table

"Yo guess who i ran into"



"No shit"

Omar was the biggest drug dealer around.Me and Tyga use to work for him until he got busted for one of his friends snitching on him,we knew him since we was 14 and he always kept money in our pockets.

"So what he say"i said sitting back

"He want us to stop by and see him some time this week"

"Aw thats cool"I got up

"So what we on today"He asked

"Idk i guess we can just chill or find something to do"

"How about we go to Cidney's party"

"Shit that's cool with me,What time it start"I asked

"I think at 8"He said looking his phone

"Aight let me shower and shit then we can stop at yo crib until then"I said putting my bowl in the sink before going to my room...

Jaylen's Pov

I was laying in my bed watching tv when my phone rung,I looked at it and it was Akeeya.

"Hello" I answered

"Hey Jay"

"Wats up Ke-Ke"i sat up

"Nun i wanted to asked you if you was goin to Cidney's party tonight"i sighed

"I dont know i really dont feel like it, Being around a whole bunch of random mfs don't sound to fun right now" I said

"Come on Jay please,We still haven't been to a party this year yet"She begged

"Fine what time it start"

"At 8"

"Aight I'll be there in like an hour to get you ok, I don't even have a outfit in mind right now" I said getting frustrated

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