Game Day

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Calum sat in math, unfocused on his work. He was staring out the window and day dreaming.

'Calum, what is the answer?' his teacher asks, pulling his attention to the problem on the board.

'Uh...' Calum stares at the question for a second.

'437,' Luke whispers next to him. Luke was a top math student.

'Is it 437?' Calum says nervously. His teacher nods. 'Very good. Luke, how would you work it out?'

Luke begins to explain and Cal's mind wanders again. He absent-mindedly did a few problems out of his book- and he got half of them right, surprisingly. He was too busy thinking about Brazil to concentrate properly.

His teacher walks over. 'Everything okay, Calum?'

'Yes, Miss,' he says. 'Nothing distracting you too much?' She asks. Calum shakes his head, no. 'I heard about Brazil. Congratulations,' she says, before turning and walking back to her desk. He sneaks a glance across the room at Jodi. She looks up and smiles. She pokes her tongue out, before going back to her work.

Calum leans back in his chair and grins. Luke leans over to him, 'Got something you want to talk about?'

Calum looks at Luke. 'Nope.' Luke raises his eyebrow, shrugs and turns to his paper. 'Whatever, Cal.'


'I can't believe you would do that!' Naomi shrieks down the phone, making Calum wince.

'What? I didn't do anything!'

'Nina told Skye, who told Hannah, who told Danica, who told me that you were going to a concert with someone. And I'm not going with you, so who is?!' She sounds like she's about to cry, but Calum just rolls his eyes, glad that she can't see how fed up he feels.

'Michael. Okay? It's a concert for a little known band. Luke wanted to go, but his parents are making him go to his grandparents instead. And Ashton's working.'

'Ashton doesn't have a job! You're lying!'

'He does have a job!' Calum argues. 'At KFC, he's been working there for months. Which you'd know if you would bother to actually talk to my friends!'

'WHATEVER,' Naomi screams before hanging up. Calum throws his phone on his bed in frustration. Naomi had been over reacting about everything since Calum had got the scholarship and she hadn't. It was 11 o'clock- at night- on a Friday. He should've been asleep, ready for his game tomorrow.

He groans, running his hands through his hair. He calls Michael, he knows he'll still be up, gaming, of course.

'Everything okay?'

'It's Naomi. She-'

'You should break up with her,' Michael cuts him off.

'What?' Calum asks. That was blunt, even for Michael.


Calum sighs. 'Be at the game tomorrow? And tell the other two to show up as well. I'll explain then.'

'Wouldn't miss it,' Michael says, with a hint of sarcasm. Calum hangs up and gets into bed. Soon he falls into an awkward sleep state. His sleep gets no better as the night goes on.


Calum has the ball. He's about to throw it in when he hears a voice. One that's all too familiar. 'Cal!' Naomi. He blocks her out, focusing on his game. He throws the ball to his team mate who passes it back. Calum weaves around players. He finds himself in front of the goal. To shoot or not to shoot?

'GO CALUM!' he hears Naomi screech, just as he's about to go for it. It goes off course and heads towards the goal keeper's hands. He groans, feeling more annoyed at Naomi than he had before. Football was a big deal for him, but she didn't seem to care. Calum looks at the ground angrily. But then he hears cheering break out from the crowd and looks up. The goal keeper had fumbled. Calum had scored. It was now 3-2 to Norwest. There was just a minute to go. As long as they could hold them off.

The games ends and Calum shakes hands politely with the opposing team. He walks with the rest of his own team to his coach, who gives a team talk. They then head to the side of the field where they get their stuff. Calum's walking to his friends, when suddenly someone laches onto him from the side. 'You ignored me!' Naomi pouts.

'I was trying to play football.'

'Sorry! Well, you played good.'

'Yeah, and you judge that by the 5 minutes that you were actually here. You knew that game was important!' Calum says. It was the game that would determine if his team was in the final. Which was next week.

'Whatever. I'm going to go talk to Jodi,' Naomi replies.

'Jodi is here?!' Calum says.

'Yeah... why?'

'Uh... wanted to talk to her about Brazil.'

'Whatever,' Naomi stalks off.

Luke, Ashton and Michael walk over. 'You won the game!' Ashton grins.

'You're in the final!' Michael fist bumps him. Luke high fives him, 'Well played, my friend.'

They begin to walk to KFC, as Ashton had a shift after lunch, and they were all hungry. Once they were seated with their food, Luke nudges Calum 'So what's up with you and Jodi?'

'Don't hate me, okay? I like her,' Calum sighs. Ashton raises one eyebrow and says, 'Her mum told my mum, who told me, that she likes a guy on the boys' football team. Apparently he's quite important to the team. And he's really good.'

Michael smirks. 'You mean, Brazil good?'

Ashton laughs- which sounds like a high school girl's giggle. 'Whatever,' Calum glares at his friends. 'How do I break up with-'

'Omg! Calum, I didn't know you were coming here!'

Calum feels bad immediately after thinking it, but he swears that every time a sound comes out of her lipsticked mouth, it's even higher pitched and more annoying than before.

'Naomi,' Calum sighs. Naomi walks over, placing her hand on Calum's shoulder.

'Wait,' Luke holds up his hand, 'I thought you were mad at Calum?'

Naomi shrugs. 'I can't stay mad at my Cal for too long!'

Calum groans inwardly, as the other boys try not to laugh. 'I'm going to go order,' Naomi says.

'Tuesday. On Tuesday we are done,' Calum says as Naomi walks away.

Ashton stands and gets ready to start his shift, Luke begins to walk home. 'Ready for the concert?' Michael asks.

'So ready,' Calum pumps his fist in the air. Finally, a few hours away from her. From Naomi.

Love, Brazil // C.H // [COMPLETE✓]Where stories live. Discover now