First Meet

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The four days flew past quicker than Calum wanted. At seven o'clock the next morning, Calum and Jodi had to be down at the football pitch to meet the other students. And their coaches.

At ten to seven on the dot they step on the football field.  'Woah, Cal!' Jodi exclaims, punching him in what Calum was sure was meant to be his arm. It was his stomach.

'What, Mellark?' Calum replies, wondering what grabbed her attention.

'We have the exact same boots!'

'And that's exciting? And gives you and excuse to punch me in the stomach?' he pokes her in the side playfully.

'Sorry not sorry, pal.'

'Pal?' Calum asks, chuckling quitely.

Jodi nods. 'Rhymes with Cal.'

At that moment they arrive at the place where the majority of the team had gathered.

The other students were standing in small groups and whispering to each other. Calum listened in to the conversation.

'An Australia boy is coming- heard he is one of the best over there. There's a girl from there, too.' 

'He's called Calum Hood, I've heard.'

'Apparently the girl's name is Jodi Mellark. Heard she's really good.'

Calum looks towards Jodi. 'Did someone just call me one of the best players in Australia?' 

'Well, it's true,' Jodi looks up at Calum, her cheeks a faint pink.

Calum is about to speak again when a voice near the centre of the group calls out, 'Do you reckon that's them? Do you think they're dating? I do.'

Another voice rings out. 'Well, obviously. He's cute and a jock. Anyone with a brain would date him!' That was a brunette girl, standing in the left most group.

'And she's pretty. Too pretty to be a footballer. Probably cries at the slightest touch.' A blond boy, in a group next to the girl.

Calum looks at Jodi and sees a fire light up in her eyes. She hates when people presume girls are too "pretty" and "weak" to play real football. Especially when they say it about her.

Calum puts his arm out to stop her from rushing forward and punching the guy. He then grabs her hand and makes the same soothing circles with his thumb, just like on the plane.

'Okay,' Calum addresses the group. 'First of all, yeah it's us. The people you were whispering about. Secondly, we're not dating,' Calum begins, so badly wanting to finish the last sentence with the word "yet". The last sentence was met by cheers, which just made Calum angrier. 'Also, thanks, I guess? But sorry, I'm not exactly... on the market,' he looks out of the corner of his eye at Jodi, hoping she won't notice. 'Fourth, yeah, Jodi is pretty. Really pretty. But she is a great footballer. The best I know. And that includes me, by the way. "One of the best in Australia" my ass. And she is the toughest, most confident girl I know. And no matter how pretty she may be, I will not let you talk about her, or to her, in that way.'

He looks at Jodi, who is already looking back at him. She's just opening her mouth to reply when they hear a whistle being blown. The coach had arrived. It was time to begin.


Walking back into the hotel, Calum and Jodi debrief what happened during their first day.

They were split into the girls' and boys' teams. Calum and the boy's coach is called Coach Simmons and Jodi and the girl's is Coach Fey.

Coach Simmons's first instruction was to do the specifically designed warm up, and, judging by a few glances, Calum gathered Fey's was identical. Then they came back together and did a warm up exercise which helped them all get to know each other.

Next Fey gathered up the girl's and explained the first exercise. The boys, under Simmons's command, were to watch. As soon as they were into it, Jodi head was in the game. It was her sole focus. All the boys gasped when they saw her driven attitude - and talent -, while Calum just smirked. The other girls soon tried to mimic her, but they couldn't hold a match to her flame. Calum was actually surprised that her feet weren't literally on fire.

Calum and Jodi continue to walk up the stairs, chatting about their first meet and what their teams were like, while also complimenting each other's skill. 'Seriously Jodi, none of them were expecting that. You won't be getting anymore shit from them, that's for sure.'

'You probably helped Calum. That was really nice of you to say - oh and I didn't get to thank you before, so . . . thanks. A lot. You're a true friend.' she nudges him. 'I wish you could see yourself out there. You're amazing.'

Calum smiles, before pointing out that they've arrived at his door. Jodi's room was beside his, so after a quick goodbye, she headed through one door, and he through another.


'Knock, knock!' a female voice calls, while thumping on the door. Calum thinks he must be dreaming. He swears the girl is Jodi Mellark, but why would she be outside his door at . . . Calum rolls over to check his alarm clock. Why would anyone be knocking on his door at 12:02 in the morning?!

Calum grudgingly climbs out of the warmth of his bed. On the way to his door he pinches himself, just to make sure he's not dreaming. He's not.

He opens the door, just as his late night visitor is about to make another knock. He quickly reaches up and grabs her fist.

'Oh my gosh! Sorry! I can't believe I almost punched you. And after getting you out of bed at midnight,' Jodi whisper-shouts.

'Yeah, why did you get me out of bed at this time in the morning?'

'I, um, I can't sleep, Cal. I miss home. You're the closest thing to home I've got. Can we please take a walk? I think it might, I don't know, calm me down or something,' Jodi says quietly, looking at the floor.

Instantly Calum softens. He pulls her into a hug. He couldn't believe that she thought of him fondly enough to think of him as a way to feel closer to home - and to choose him to be the one to help calm her down. Usually, she'd do that herself. 'Of course, Jodi. Of course. Just let me get changed into something less . . . boxer-ish.'

Jodi pulls away giggling. 'Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't think...' She trails, embarrassment written all over her face.

Calum chuckles and Jodi turns an even darker shade of red. She lightly pushes Calum's shoulder, 'Hurry up and put some pants on.'

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