Sandwich Thief

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It's 20 minutes later and Calum is waiting for Jodi in her hotel room. He's had a shower, washing away the sweat he built up at training. It had also calmed him down, after Blake's comments about Calum and Jodi's relationship. After his shower he went over to Jodi's to ask her about coming to the diner with him and the boys. She agreed and was about to have a shower so she told him to come in and wait. So, there he was. Waiting.

His stomach rumbles and, even though they are about to head to the diner, he gets up and goes into the kitchenette. In Jodi's cupboard he finds biscuits, bread and a spread similar to Nutella, along with a few other things. In the fridge there's some margarine, juice and fruit. There are some other things to, but right now they hold no interest to Calum.

He decides to make himself a sandwich. He's putting it up to his mouth when he hears the shower stop. Jodi'll be ready soon. He begins to eat, watching the t.v in the living part of Jodi's room. A few minutes later, Jodi emerges from the bathroom. 'Cal, are you trying to steal my food?' Jodi teases, eyeing the last bit of sandwich in Calum's hand.

'Not trying, Jodi,' Calum laughs. He raises the rest of the sandwich towards his lips, but when it hovers near his chin Jodi hand reaches around her boyfriend and takes the sandwich. 'Thanks, Cal-pal,' she grins, kissing the top of his head before eating the last bite of sandwich. She then uses her towel to dry her hair.

Calum sighs. 'That sandwich was a good one,' he says, acting sad. Jodi laughs, poking her tongue out. She mentions towards the door, indicating that they should go. Calum stands, collects his stuff and takes Jodi's hand.

They walk to the diner in silence, but silence is fine with them. When they get there however, it seems everyone just wants to talk. Basically no one in the two teams knew about Calum and Jodi's relationship and now that it had been revealed, no one will leave them alone.

'It such a shame,' a girl from Jodi's team comments. She has red hair and green eyes. 'I was totally thinking about asking you out. Oh, well. You guys are super cute together... say, is Blake in a relationship?'

As if he had an alarm to tell him when people spoke his name, Blake appeared. 'Speak of the devil,' Calum scoffs under his breath.

'What was that, Calum?' Blake says, faking being friendly. Blake doesn't even look Calum's way- his eyes are focused on Jodi. And it makes Calum sick.

Calum grunts a reply, 'nothing.'

Blake doesn't acknowledge that Calum said anything. Instead he speaks to Jodi. 'Hey, Jodi, d'you want to come help me get the drinks?'

Jodi agrees politely and goes up to the counter with Blake. Blake says something to her while they're waiting. Jodi laughs, causing jealousy to surge through Calum. Caleb leans over, and being the ever-supportive friend, tells Calum, 'relax, man. Jodi really likes you. D'you really think she'd ever fall for a guy like him?'

Calum shakes his head. 'Guess not. But do you really think that'd stop him.'

Caleb goes quiet, which could've been because he didn't know what to say (or didn't want to say anything) or because at that moment Jodi and Blake got back and had begun to hand out drinks. Jodi hands Calum his smoothie and leans over to kiss his cheek. But before she can, Blake pushes her slightly, causing her to fall awkwardly, landing half on Calum instead.

'Oops, sorry!' Blake says. Calum knew it was not an accident, but doesn't say anything.

Instead, he looks down at the beautiful girl practically lying in his lap. She's laughing, which makes Calum smile. He decides to do something Blake would hate. He puts his smoothie on the table and puts his hands behind Jodi's head, bringing her closer to him. He sends a smirk in Blake's direction before kissing her. Jodi smiles into the kiss, causing butterflies to irrupt in Calum's stomach. He realises that he's way too taken by Jodi for his own good. His ears are all of a sudden filled with clapping hands. The two teens pull away, and find the source of the clapping to be their friends- applauding them. Calum sneaks a glance at Blake who's the only one not clapping. Blake's friend Dan is, however. Blake soon puts a stop to that.

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