Home Sweet Home

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After waking up late, Calum decides to call Jodi. She might live just a few houses over, but Cal couldn't be bothered walking. She agrees to come over and tells him she'd be there in ten minutes. Calum guesses he should actually get prepared for his girlfriend's arrival. And by getting prepared, he means actually putting pants on and brushing his teeth. He catches sight of himself in the bathroom mirror. His hair looks a mess, but he couldn't care less. He rubs his eyes, attempting to get the remains of sleep out of them.

Precisely ten minutes after the phone call, there is a knock on the door. 'I'll get it!' Calum yells. But Mali Koa is already at the door.

After a small, polite exchange between the girls, Calum cuts in. Mali walks away, muttering about having three pounds of homework to work through. As soon as she's out of sight, Calum scoops Jodi into his arms. 'Hey,' he says simply.

'Hey, Cal,' she greets back grinning. She plants a short, sweet kiss on his cheek. She pulls away and heads to the kitchen, dragging Calum by the hand. Before Calum can even ask why they're going towards there, Jodi tells him. 'I need to tell your mother something.'

After his mother and Jodi have greeted each other warmly, Jodi passes on her message. 'My parents told me to tell you that they are going to be over at three and they will bring a couple of platters.'

Calum feels vaguely confused for a second before remembering - the feast. Next second, Calum is being dragged in the opposite direction and to his room.

'Are things going to be different, Cal?' Jodi sighs, sitting amongst sheets on his unmade bed.

'Different?' Calum questions, reaching over to turn on his radio.

'Like, how are we meant to act? Usually we'd play video games or whatever . . . but things have changed,' Jodi explains.

'Not really,' Calum shakes his head, jiggling his knee in time to the music. He earns a strange look from Jodi. 'What I mean is, nothing is really that weird, right. We still act like friends. Good friends. We can still play video games, challenge each other to football matches, whatever. I assure you, nothing has to be weird between us, okay?'


Calum looks at Jodi and smiles, 'Wanna play some games?'

Jodi and Cal decide on a game and set it up. They play for an hour or two; in between trying to distract each other, stealing kisses and talking. They only stop when they hear more people at the door. The Mellarks have arrived.

Calum and Jodi go to the living area and the two families hang out for a while, the two mothers going in and out of the kitchen together every so often to check on dinner. Mrs Mellark insisted that Calum's mother shouldn't have to cook it all alone. 

Eventually it's time for dinner. Calum walks into his dining area and notices that it seems much less familiar than usual. He takes in the room around him. Its dusted and polished and the best silverware and dishes are laid out over a brilliant red table cloth that Calum had never once seen before. There were decorative candles all around, creating an inviting and professional atmosphere.

'Mu-um,' Mali Koa complains. 'I thought you said you wouldn't go all out.'

Calum's mother shrugs, 'We have guests.'

As Calum sits in between Mali Koa and Jodi, he hears his sister mutter, 'yeah, guests that come around almost every week.' Calum rolls his eyes at his sister, who pokes out her tongue back.

Throughout dinner - which consisted of two types of meat, many different vegetables and a salad - Calum talked, joked and laughed with everyone. Jodi and Cal told stories about Brazil and Jodi insisted on telling them all about the award ceremony and how Calum did really well.

Calum shoves his girlfriend lightly. 'You did great, too,' he grins, gaining a small, yet proud smile from Jodi.


'Oi, you're . . . three minutes late, you two. Why'd you take so long?' It's a couple of days later and Ashton is greeting Calum by the door for rehearsals. 

Calum laughs, walking into Michael's house with Jodi by his side. 'Shut up, Ash. Three minutes. Wow,' Calum leads Jodi into the garage where the rehearsals are being held. 'Are we going to do this or what?'

Michael gestures to a bass guitar next to Ashton's drums. 'Try it out, mate.'

Calum plucks a few cords and decides it sounds good enough. Soon, the boys are fully into rehearsal and Jodi is cheering along to their songs, as well as attempting to give advice where needed. At the end of the practise, Michael calls Calum and Luke to gather around Ashton's drums because he has an announcement. The blond boy wanders over first, Calum trailing behind after waiting for Jodi to appear by his side.

'So,' Michael says, dragging the tiny word out to make it as long as possible.

'So?' Luke asks, tugging his guitar string off from around his neck.

'I got us an actual gig,' Michael says indifferently. The other three boys - and Jodi - start jumping around and cheering. Michael can't help but crack a grin.

'Wait!' Ashton says, interrupting everyone. 'Are you serious Mike? Like, really serious?'

'Yeah, like, when and where, man?' Calum asks Michael, desperately wanting answers.

Michael tells the group all of the details, and each band member goes home feeling happy and excited. Jodi goes home with Calum, and despite not being in the bad, she is really excited, too.

"Guess we've got our first fan," Calum thinks to himself, admiring Jodi's smiling face.

Love, Brazil // C.H // [COMPLETE✓]Where stories live. Discover now