Coming Home

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The day Calum has been absolutely dreading comes up way too quick - granted, it was a couple of days, but it felt too quick all the same. Though, there are a few good things about leaving the beautiful country that's been his home for half of the past year. The main thing being, of course, seeing his friends and family, both of whom he misses deeply. And, there is the fact that he will be taking a long flight with his stunning girlfriend. He also secretly can't wait to see the look on some peoples' faces when they see that Calum and Jodi are dating.

After a long time spent on check ins and waiting and customs, and yet more waiting, the plane is finally ready to board. Caleb, May, Devon, and Dan are all there to say goodbye- Louis would've been but he flew out yesterday afternoon, meaning the group had gone with him then to exchange farewells and see-you-laters. The others would be flying out at different times tomorrow, Dan later today.

As a cool sounding female voice rung over the loud speaker, telling Calum and Jodi to approach the gates, the rest of the group quickly swept them up into a huge group hug.

'I'm going to miss you guys,' Dan smiles sadly. 'I'm really glad we became friends- especially after what Blake tried to do.'

Jodi dismisses the last comment with a wave of her hand. 'We're going to miss you, too, Danny.'

May and Devon go up to Jodi and pull her into a hug, Caleb does the same to Calum. Calum tugs Dan into the boys' hug. They let go quickly to say their proper goodbyes.

'I'm going to miss you, man,' Caleb says. 'We all need to meet up again one day. When you're all rich and successful, you can come visit me!' he jokes, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

Calum laughs. 'You'll go far, man. And of course we'll see each other again one day. I'll miss you, mate.'

Next Calum and May exchange farewells, as do Calum and Devon. Off to the side, Jodi is doing the same with Caleb and Dan. 'Wow, I'm even going to miss your intense need for coffee in the morning,' Calum jokes to May.

She laughs, before saying, 'now, now, Cal, don't get all sentimental on us!'

The same voice from before comes over the speaker once again. Last call. Calum and his new friends- and Jodi- all hug one more time, before Calum and Jodi head to the gate. Calum remembers Jodi's fear of planes and so, as soon as they're seated, he takes her hand in his and kisses her gently on the cheek.

She smiles gratefully, leaning back on her seat. Soon, the plane begins to take off. Jodi tenses, but tries not to show any emotion. Calum rubs circles on the back of her hand with his thumb and she slowly returns to a calm state.

Not long into the flight, Jodi falls asleep. Calum can't think of anything else to do, so he joins his sleeping beauty in her slumber.

More than three quarters into the flight, Calum wakes again. He finds Jodi next to him, a huge book placed on her knee. Calum had no idea what the book was, but he knew he didn't want to read it. 'Babe?' Calum tries to get her attention by mocking a whining voice.

Jodi replies with a short, 'yeah?'

Calum leans his head on her shoulder. 'Can you put the book away? At least for a bit? I want to talk,' he says.

Jodi sighs, but she doesn't seem annoyed in the slightest. She puts the book away. 'What do you want to talk about, Cal Pal?'



After landing safely, much to Jodi's pleasure, Calum sighs and groans his way through all the security measurements. All he wants right now is to see his family, his friends and his bed.

Finally, the couple get through checks and luggage collection to their families. The Mellarks and the Hoods have certainly made an effort for their kids return. But, according to what Jodi's sister said, it's nothing like the feast tomorrow.

After greeting and hugging his mum and dad, Calum moves to hug his sister. She hugs him tightly and admits that she missed him, despite acting like she wouldn't when he left. Calum laughs. His laugh, however, stop instantly when she whispers in his ear, 'So, did you get laid?'

Calum pulls away from the hug. He glares at Mali and replies, 'no, shut up. But I did get the girl.' She pulls him into another hug, this time intending to congratulate him.

Calum then moves to greet the Mellarks, while Jodi greets his family. Soon after, the two families become one group. Jodi seems to think this is the perfect time to announce their relationship.

Jodi's father looks at him sternly and says, 'no. You can't be. I will not allow it.' Calum's heart is about to break - and it looks like Jodi's is, too - when Mr Mellark breaks into a smile. 'I'm kidding, calm down kids. We kind of suspected it already. And I definitely approve, if that's what you were looking for Jodi.' Calum is inwardly relieved, glad the comment was just a joke.

Calum exhales in relief. He's even more relieved when his mother speaks up and tells them, 'Now, it's time for these two to get home and catch up on sleep. You can tell us all stories at dinner tomorrow.'

Jodi's mother smiles, 'Yes, but for now you need to tell us how the awards ceremony went!'

'And apparently greet our friends,' Jodi laughs, pointing at a group in the distance. They're holding a badly painted banner reading "WELCOME HOME!".

The two teens rush over to greet everyone. After exchanging hellos and arranging a time to meet over the next few days, they share a big group hug.

Pulling away, Luke looks to his best friend. 'I missed you more than I thought I would man,' Luke grins. 'And I see you finally got the girl?'

Calum looks over to the girl in question and sees a red tint spread over her face. He smiles to himself, before smiling at Luke. 'I sure did.'

Ashton pats him on the back, 'Congrats, Cal!'

Michael slings his arm around Calum's neck and turns to face Jodi. 'Ah, Jodi. Poor, poor Jodi. I feel so sorry for you, being stuck with old Calum here.'

Calum pushes him away. 'You're stuck with me, too, mate. Especially after the band becomes official!'

Calum's father calls out to him and Jodi. It's time to go. Calum looks around his friends one last time. 'I'm so glad to be back,' he pauses, looking back at his parents. They obviously want to go. 'See you in a couple of days. I can't wait for our first band practise - and to think we'll be playing a gig in just a little while,' he grins.

Jodi puts her arm around him. 'I'm proud of you guys. You're going to be such a good bassist, babe,' she looks up at her boyfriend, watching his eyes crinkle in the corners as he laughs. 'It wasn't a joke. And, thanks for inviting me to watch practise, guys. I will definitely be there. Now let's go,' she drags a waving Calum away, throwing a wave of her own in the friends' direction.

Calum and Jodi walk back to their parents. They gather their luggage and walk out the door. Right now, they could only think of doing one thing. Sleeping.

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