Making it

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'Hey? Hey, Mellark? You might want to wake up . . .' Calum shakes Jodi, causing her to raise her head.

'What?' she moans, her eyelids still heavy with sleep. 'Are we almost there?'

'Yep!' Calum grins. 'Just thought I'd wake you- you know, before the landing.'

Jodi smiles in thanks, before leaning across Calum to stare at the tropical country laid out beneath them. She sighs heavily, still blinking sleep from her eyes. 'I don't know how I'm not going to forgot we're here for football and not a beach-side vacation,' she whines.

Calum chuckles. He's about to reply when a voice comes over the loud speaker, letting the passengers know that the plane was about to go into landing. The glint of fear appears in Jodi's eyes once again. Calum offers his hand, which she gratefully takes. Calum gives it a squeeze, which Jodi returns along with a smile. He could still tell she was scared though, so he begins to rub circles on the back of her hand with his thumb to sooth her.

Eventually the plane hits the runway and - after slowing completely - comes to a stop. Jodi releases a breath that neither of the football hopefuls realised she was holding. She rushes off the plane, and waits for Calum at the bottom. 'It's so hot!' she complains.

Calum punches her lightly on the arm. 'Jodi, we only just got here,' he mentions for her to follow him. 'Let's go collect our luggage and find that guy.'

'Which guy?'

'That one that's meant to be taking us places and showing us things, or whatever?' Calum shrugs. Jodi nods, apparently understanding what Calum meant. Then she takes Calum by surprise. She grabs his hand in one swift motion and drags him though the doors of the airport to luggage return and passport checks. 

After what feels like hours, especially after waiting in the long queue for the passport checks, Calum and Jodi get to the other side. Now, just to find the driver . . .

It only takes a few seconds for Jodi to spot the man. He's short, with very tan skin, very brown-almost-black hair and light brown eyes. He couldn't've been too much older than the pair of Australian teens.

Calum looks to Jodi after her exclamation about finding the man. He notices her eyes travel over the guy's face and toned body. Her mouth turns up into a tiny smile, which could have possibly been a smirk. Calum feels a surge of jealousy pounding through him. He didn't really have a right to feel this way, as he knew, considering Jodi and himself weren't dating- heck, she probably didn't consider him more than a friend. Yet, all he wanted to do was put his arm around her tanned shoulders, as if to say "back off, she's with me." But she wasn't. Calum knows he needs to change that. And fast.


'So, you know that you have four days of free time? I recommend you rest and catch up on sleep. You can not have jet lag get to you during your first football meet. Understand?' asks the man behind the steering wheel, to the two teenagers in the back. He had a thick Brazilian accent, yet it wasn't too hard to pick up all the words.

'Understand,' came a chorused reply.

In his head, Calum was thinking about what to do first. Hit a food place? He was pretty hungry. Or maybe he could take a walk on the beach? He could ask Jodi to come . . . Then suddenly he knew what to do. Go to a beach side food stall - with Jodi. He smirks to himself, feeling proud of his (simple) solution.

But then a reminder popped into his head, as if it were a notification on his phone. He would have to unpack first. And probably sleep for at least an hour.

'Hey, Cal?'


'After we unpack did you want to head down to the beach? We could get food. And we could sun bathe or something - I mean, that counts as resting, right?' 

Calum is slightly taken aback. They were thinking practically the same thing. He recovers quickly and replies with, 'Sure thing. And I think it does. Food's my shout?'

'Okay, but next time it's mine. Deal?' Jodi asks, holding out her hand, waiting for Calum to shake on it. He agrees and takes her hand to shake.

Scratch sleeping. He's going to hang out with Jodi.


A couple of hours later they've got some pizza (tropical flavours, of course) and smoothies and are lying on their towels in the sun.

'Maybe this wasn't a great idea . . .' Jodi sighs. 'I'm kind of tired.' She yawns.

Calum suppresses his own yawn and suggests to take the food back to the hotel. Jodi disagrees. She wants to eat here on the beach. But, then, it's definitely back to the hotel.

Calum shrugs, in a way of agreeing, before carrying on eating. He's finished his pizza, and Jodi is only three quarters of the way through hers.

Calum leans over and pretends to take a slice. Jodi hits him lightly. 'Oi!' she goes back to eating for a second before looking at him 'Actually, eat some if you want.'

Calum cheers. He eats two slices, in a slow, mocking way. 'Mmm. This is so nice. You should of eaten it all. You're an idiot.' He smirks at Jodi, drawing out every word he can.

She pokes her tongue out. 'I might be an idiot, but at least I'm not failing math.'

'Hey, I'm not failing! I'm just not achieving as high as you and Hemmings. You guys are math nerds- "Passed with distinction" this, "Passed with high distinction" that! I get Passed, possibly Credit.'

'It's a joke, not a dick. Don't take it so hard,' Jodi teases.

'I'm not! Oh, come on, let's go back to the hotel, before you wet yourself with laughter. Remember when you did that back when we were in-'

'Shut up or you'll spend the next six months without me or anyone else to talk to.'

'Actually, I can occasionally get signal to text the boys. I tried earlier,' Calum explained. 'I got some international phone deal thing. I don't know.'

Calum's phone beeps.


He pulls it out.

Hemmo: u know how u can play guitar good?

Me: yeah?

Hemmo: we were thinking of making a band. '5 seconds of summer' 4 the name... idk, Mike came up w/ it so. can u play bass tho?

Me: bass? i dunno. 5 Secs of Summer sounds good. 5SOS for short tho? 

Hemmo: ty Cal u rock! 

Hemmo: 5SOS is cool. sounds kinda like 5 Sauce haha lol. bye bye have fun with ur not-girlfriend :D

Me: don't call Jodi that... she's literally right next to me. 

Me: bye luke. say hey to the others for me :D

'So, what was that?' Jodi asks. 'You don't have to tell me, though. Like, I'm not being nosy.'

'Oh, Luke just wanted to know if I'd play bass in some band. 5SOS - not 5 es-oh-es, though. And that's shortened from 5 Seconds of Summer.' The two friends stand and pack up their stuff, before heading towards their hotel. 'So, yeah . . . some band they made, and they want me to play bass.'

'You've never played bass though, have you?'


'One question . . .' Jodi looks at Calum.

 'Mmm?' Calum replies. 'Ask away, Jodi.'

'Why didn't you guys call it Bromance?'

Love, Brazil // C.H // [COMPLETE✓]Where stories live. Discover now