Four Months

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Four months after the midnight swim, Calum is looking around his hotel room. He's wondering how it had gotten so messy.

He decids to clean it, seeing as he had the day off. He picks up his clothes which are strewn everywhere, he puts his football boots away nicely- instead of in the corner of the living area, puts his books back on their shelf and cleans his rubbish away. He is just putting a shirt away when he sees a small pile of white photo sheets in the corner.

'I almost forgot about these!' Calum smiles, speaking to no one in particular.

Jodi had gotten a polaroid camera and had taken many photos over the past four months in Brazil. She'd given Calum a few, too, which he had put in a spot where they'd be "safe"- and promptly (almost) forgot about them.

Calum picks the photos up and turns them so the pictures are facing up. He starts to look through them, smiling fondly at each one. First there are two shots, taken in Calum's first Brazilian game. One was of him with sweat dripping down his forehead, lining up the ball for a penalty shot- which he scored. The other one was of him after he scored the penalty- he had looked straight at Jodi, grinning. She was smiling back, and paused in the middle of her cheering to give him a thumbs up and take the shot. A few seconds after the shot was taken, Calum was almost pushed off his feet by his team mates, all celebrating their new found lead (before that they were drawing 1-1. They ended up winning 3-1, thanks to a boy called Caleb on the team)

The next couple were of Jodi in her first match. She had forced the old-style camera into Calum's hands, making him swear to take pictures of the game. So he did. He was meant to give her all the shots he took, but instead he slipped a few into his pocket.

There was one of her running down the pitch. That's all she was doing, running, but she looked so beautiful, Calum had to take- and keep- that shot. The other one was her at half-time, talking to her friend and team mate, May. She was smiling, her eyes crinkling at the corners which Calum found cute. It was a perfect shot to capture her true beauty.

The next one in the pile was a shot taken by a stranger. Caleb- who not only was Calum's team mate, but also a good friend, went along with Calum to meet Jodi for rollerblading. Jodi brought May. May and Caleb got along okay. And then good. And then like a house on fire. They've been dating for a month and a half now, not that either of their coaches could know (the football school had a very strict policy that no two students could be in a romantic relationship). The shot was one of Calum's favourite pictures ever. In the photo, it went Calum, then Jodi (who had an arm around each other), next May and finally Caleb. Even though Caleb and Calum were close, he couldn't hold a match to Bromance- or 5SOS, as they'd soon be known.

Calum grins at the thought of his brothers- non-blood brothers, but brothers none the less- back home. He would see them in just a little less than two months! He missed Ashton's quirky laugh and Luke's obsession with penguins. He even missed Michael coming to school with newly colour hair every month or so- which he was always getting in trouble for. Calum let out a small laugh, before pushing the boys to the back of his mind so that he could look at the rest of the photos.

The next shot up was one taken while on a mini Brazil (or the Brazilian land marks around their area) tour. It was one of Calum at a museum, forced-posing next to a sculpture of a famous Brazilian music maker- Jodi was the one to make him do it... of course. This polaroid print was accompanied by a shot of Jodi and Calum. Another one of Jodi's friends (they weren't nearly as close as Jodi and May), Devon, had stolen Jodi's camera and took an amazing shot of Calum and his crush. They were eating ice cream and Jodi was teasing Calum, so he pushed his ice cream gently into her noise. She did the same to him. In the picture they were both laughing, Jodi with a radiant smile. 'This was probably one of the best days from the last 4 months,' Calum thinks, touching his nose, as if the ice cream was still there.

There were a few of Calum's team, Caleb and Calum and Jodi and Caleb. Next up there's some of Jodi and May, Jodi and Devon and Jodi, Devon and May (Caleb had taken it- Calum had photobombed it). Then there was one of all them together- Jodi, Caleb, May, Devon and Calum himself. This one was also photobombed but by a boy called Louis, who is on Calum and Caleb's team. He's the goal keeper.

After those ones, there was a few of Calum, a bit more than Calum would like to admit of Jodi and even a couple of them together. As every photo passed Calum's eyes, he smiled and got a feeling of nostalgia.

Looking a final time to the pictures of Jodi and the ones of the two of them together, Calum puts them back into his drawer. In his mind, the gears are whirling. He has a plan. And tonight, Cal decided, it's now or never.

He finishes cleaning the room before changing into his togs and grabbing a towel. He is going to carry out his plan tonight, but for now he's hot and just wants to cool down by the pool. 'Who knows? Maybe Jodi will be at the pool and see my... hopefully... toned muscles,' Calum jokes to himself. I mean, if she doesn't see them now, she'll see them later, probably. After all this isn't going to be the only time he'll swim today.

(omg okay hi zion i know you're reading this and i want to die)

Love, Brazil // C.H // [COMPLETE✓]Where stories live. Discover now