Chapter 2: I'll Always Love You, Barker

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Author's Note: And you guys said that month wouldn't fly-- it did! Anyways, you've already read the first chapter, well, I'm assuming that you did. So, before we start this thing, let me just say that I am obvi *NOT* Italian, therefore I do *NOT* speak Italian. Because they're going to Italy though, there, of course, is going to be some Italian in here so if you're Italian or speak the language or whatever, if an Italian phrase or word or anything like that isn't accurate, don't blame me, blame Google Translate. And if you leave a rude comment about it, I probably won't be very nice in response, that or I'll just delete it. (:

Also, I feel like I should catch you up on a few things. 

1. I have a new joint story with the wonderful writerbug44 on our joint account-- RelentlessDreamer, called The Seaside Cafe, and it'd be super cool if you'd all check it out, if you already haven't. 

2. I have a joint Twitter account with writerbug44 as well and we're @wattpad_probs, so yeah, you should follow us there, because that'd be really awesome. 

3. I have a new story which I posted exactly one week ago, called Like Crazy, so it'd be really, really nice if you'd read that and let me know what you think of it. 

4. I think I've mentioned this, but maybe not, so I'll say it again; Serendipity has been published for e-book and paperback. If you liked Serendipity-- I'm assuming you did since you're reading the sequel-- you should go check it out and buy a copy of either one, maybe? Neither is very expensive and I'll post the link in a comment and place it in the external link. Oh, and so is Losing Grip, if you read that. So, if you wanna like, be able to always have it and carry it around, Serendipity or Losing Grip, that is, you should definitely go and buy it-- that'd be really, really cool and I'd love you forever and always. 

5. And I have a new website so if you wanna know about like, my stories and my thoughts for new ones and all that good kinda stuff, you should probably check it out. It's called: Also, since Wattpad no longer has the chat bar, I have Skype now so that I can still talk to all of you lovely people, so add me on there if you'd like, millie_wattpad. 

And lastly, please, please, please comment and vote and fan!

Happy reading, lovelies!


Chapter 2: I'll Always Love You, Barker

After what seems like an eternity, we finally land in Rome. Of the nine hour flight, I slept maybe like, seven collectively. The other two hours, I spent watching the in-flight movie, which was The House Bunny. It’s a pretty good movie, kinda funny, so it made me laugh. It feels kinda weird to laugh though because there’s like a permanent grimace on my face. Well, not literally, but you get what I’m saying.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bradley open his eyes and yawn lightly. He looks so adorable doing that. Like a little Clownfish or something. Not that he looks like a fish, it’s just that the only species of fish I know are the Clownfish and the Goldfish and I wasn’t gonna say that he looks like a Goldfish; that’s just weird.

Bradley takes his earbuds out and wraps them around his iPod, looking out of the window and then unbuckling his seatbelt. The good thing- possibly the best- about being in first class is that they let you of the plane first. Once the Pilot comes over the loudspeaker with some message, the blue uniformed flight attendants disperse, telling us that we may exit the plane now.

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