Chapter 8: We. Don't. Speak. Italiano.

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Chapter 8: We. Don't. Speak. Italiano. 

“Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey!” Tanner exclaims the next morning, coming into my room.

“Shh!” I cry, pulling the pillow over my head. “Too. Loud.”

“Sorry,” He responds, lowering his voice. I feel my bed seep in slightly as he sits next to me.

“Can I have some Advil or Tylenol or something, please?” I plead, my voice muffled by the pillow.

“Being the amazing friend that I am, I already have it for you,” He tells me.

“You’re wonderful,” I retort, removing the pillow from over my head and sitting up.

“Yeah, I know,” Tanner teasingly replies, handing me two white Advil’s and a short glass of water.

Throwing back the pills, I gulp down the water, realizing just how thirsty I am. I guess all the alcohol dehydrated me. Like I said, last night was kinda a first for me. I place the glass down on the bedside table and fall back down on the pillow, curling up underneath it.

“I’m never drinking again,” I groan as my head starts pounding.

“I sure hope not, last night was awful,” Tanner laughs lightly.

“What happened?” I wonder, crinkling my forehead in confusion.

“You don’t remember?” He asks me in disbelief.

“Obviously not,” I chuckle.

“All the drinks and the throwing up and Orland and Br-“

“Oh!” I nod, “Yeah, yeah, I remember now. That was really bad, wasn’t it?”

“Oh yeah,” He confirms with a small nod. “So, you still up for breakfast?”

“Yes! I’m starving,” I whine, petting my flat stomach. “And thirsty.”

“What a coincidence, so am I,” Tanner announces as if him being hungry is a shock.

“What a shock,” I giggle, praying for the Advil’s to hurry up and kick in because my head is killing me.

“We can leave as soon as you get ready, but I think that there’s something you need to do.”

“What might that be?” I ask him suspiciously. I have a feeling that I’m gonna like what he’s about to say.

“You gotta apologize to Drew.”

“What? I’m not apologizing to him.” I firmly deny.

“Okay, well, you don’t have to, but I think you should.”

“Why would I do such a stupid thing? If anything, he needs to apologize to me.

“I know, but I don’t think that’ll happen for a while. You do remember what you did, don’t you?”

“I threw my drink on him and then threw the glass at him, right?”

“Right.” Tanner says, suppressing a laugh.

“Nah, I’m not gonna apologize,” I shake my head, lightly.

“Okay then,” He replies, seeming to accept my answer. “I’ll be in room, so just come get me when you’re done getting ready and whatnot.” With that, Tanner stands and leaves my room, closing the door behind him. I sluggishly clamber out of my bed, and stand on my feet for a second as my stomach churns a bit. I don’t think I’m gonna throw up though. At least I hope not, my friends are gonna start thinking I have an eating disorder or something if I keep throwing up so much. Which I definitely don’t have, by the way.

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