Chapter 17: Kissing Is Kind Of A Two Person Thing

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Chapter 17: Kissing Is Kind Of A Two Person Thing

“Are you absolutely positive that you don’t mind?” I ask my boyfriend, glancing over at him with a small sigh.

“I don’t mind,” He assures me. “If he tries anything, just tell me when you get back and I’ll kick  his ass,” He bluntly retorts.

“Well, I don’t think that he’ll try anything at all, but if he does, I’ll tell you,” I reply, reluctantly getting up out of my bed for the first time all day and going over to my closet. It’s been about a week since my and Bradley’s little semi-date thingy where we watched Dirty Dancing and swam and all of that good stuff, so the end of July is upon us, which means that we’re going back home in a few weeks. Well, like, three, I guess, but that’s still close-ish, I guess.

Today though, Drew and I are hanging out. Like, together. Just the two of us. With no one else. No Bradley, no Walker, no Tanner, no Mikey, no Jaime, no Elena, no no one aside from the two of us. For obvious reasons, this concept scares the crap out of me. I mean, the last time that Drew and I were alone together, we ended up practically making out in an airport. Well, that wasn’t the last time we were together but that was the last time we were together that I didn’t want to bash his face in with a brick.

It’s a pretty weird thing though, just the two of us hanging out together without any of our friends because I don’t even remember how long it’s been since that happened. Even prior to my and Bradley’s breakup and prior to me knowing that Drew liked/loved me or whatever he’s calling it, we didn’t hang out together alone. I’m not quite sure why though. Granted, I never hang out with the boys alone. I mean, sometimes Walker, but that’s about it.

Honestly though, I don’t even know why we’re hanging out today, Drew and me. Sure, I’m not even mad at him anymore—  well, let me rephrase that; I’m not that mad at him anymore. I think that a tiny piece of me will always (or at least for a little while longer) be bitter at him for what he did. Though I can’t just put all the blame on Drew, because that’s just not right at all. I never told Bradley this, but I did kiss Drew back, after all. I didn’t just stand there in that airport with my lips glued to his, all immobile. That would have been just stupid and weird beyond belief.

I’m slightly positive that Drew still likes me or loves me or whatever he’s claiming his affection for me as, which only makes this whole thing a little bit more awkward than it already is and will be. Nothing’s going to happen though, I already know that. I have my lovely boyfriend back now and there’s not one person on this planet that will make me do something so stupid to put our relationship in jeopardy because that time that we were broken up was really disgusting and awful. I honestly think I’ve never been more depressed in my life than I was at that point in time. Well, I was pretty depressed about my parent’s divorce a few years ago.

“Yeah, you better,” Bradley responds, but I can tell he’s only teasing me.

“So, would you like, feel more comfortable with this if I wore a once piece?” I ask him, pulling my closet open and rifling through it for something to wear over my bathing suit that I’m apparently going to be wearing today. Drew wants to go to a water park or something like that, so I obviously need a bathing suit for that. I would have much rather have gone to see a movie or something but when I pitched that idea to him, he declined it immediately.

He claims it was just because the movie would be in Italian and since neither of us speak the language fluently enough to follow an entire movie of it, we should just go to the water park. This makes me sound a little pretentious and self-confident, I think, but I honestly do believe that Drew just wants to see me in a bikini.

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